The Real Reason Why He Left You

It’s a hard and brutal truth to accept. It stings. It’s not fair. It makes you feel helpless and out of control. But the fastest way to get back into control, to feel powerful, and to mend your wounds, is to face the truth.

This Is What I Mean When I Say, ‘I Love You.’

I love you means I choose to love you, all of you. You don’t have to hide your weirdness, cracks, imperfections that make you who you are. I won’t tolerate your annoying habits and quirky flaws because I like them, I will honor them.

5 Dating Struggles Any Introvert Would Understand

I can’t remember how many times I had to tell the person I was on a date with that I’m being quiet doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying myself, it’s just my way of being (and probably my resting bitch face), and that their rambling is actually much appreciated.