50 Things Men Want Women To Know

8. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship”

“Bull ******* ****!” The second you say that, the friendship is ruined. You may think that’s a nice way to let him down gently but it isn’t. The friend zone is considered cruel and unusual punishment. If he asks you out, just say no. It’ll crush him a little bit, but he’ll get over it. He’ll have a harder time getting over being told that being friends with you for so long is the only reason he can’t be with you. When you say no, don’t say, “I see you as a brother,” don’t say ‘I only see you as a friend,” and don’t say “I don’t want everything to change.” Just say no and that you don’t feel that way towards him.

9. Don’t claim to be something you’re not

“It’s like getting a grapefruit when I wanted an orange.” A guy doesn’t like a girl who claims she likes sports and then while he’s watching the game, she’s waiting for it to be over. A guy doesn’t like a girl who claims she can game but as soon as he gives her a controller, she acts like it’s a foreign sex machine and is waiting for him to be done playing. Guys understand that girls don’t always like those kind of things and they tend to be fine with it. While he’s playing his game, you can do whatever you want. While he’s watching the game, you can do something you like. You can’t be perfect for him. You can’t share in absolutely every aspect of his life. Accept that, and move forward.

10. Don’t try to too hard to take an interest in his hobbies

“I hate to say it but, back off my stuff. This is guy time.” He may like things and you’ll try to like it too. The problem is you’re bored out of your mind with it. Still you try to stick through it to make him happy. That’s nice of you but just drop the act. Most men will just appreciate that you tried to do something he liked. Sometimes, they want their hobbies to just be their hobbies. You say you want to try to do that with him and he might dread what’s to come. Sometimes that hobby is a way for them to some form of space. Let him have it. If he wants you involved, he’ll most likely ask you. Don’t take it personally. It’s just nice to have something that’s just your own.

11. For the love of God, stop texting and calling him all the time!

“Obsessive much?” When you send a text message and he doesn’t respond, he might be busy. Sixteen more messages does not change that he’s busy. If he’s texting you back and you’re having a conversation, don’t send him four more texts before he can reply to your first one. It comes off as beyond needy and desperate. You text him fifteen times before he replies, call him fifty times a day, and say he’s ignoring you constantly, then you’re just asking to get dumped. You just became the psycho girlfriend that hides in the tree next to his house to see what he’s doing.


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