Nikita Gill
Nikita is the author of Your Soul Is A River and Your Heart Is The Sea.
This is How You Will Find Him
Everything about this new kind of love will take you by surprise, even who you have become in it. You will feel secure, in control, and love yourself as much as you love him.
When Two Old Souls Love Each Other
Let us enjoy the spring we have created out of the winters we have faced in our lives. Let us take everything about ourselves and accept each other for who we are. And let us not cry and try to change each other. Instead, let us just grow together for as long as we can grow together.
Six Lessons I Learned To Accept Myself And Others
1. People will love you, but you must remember, they are human. And being human means they are going to make mistakes. Sometimes great, sad, heartbreaking, devastating mistakes that hurt more than anything.
When The Person Who Hurt You The Most Calls Again
Betrayal sometimes wears the mask of a best friend or a lover that was supposed to be a great love. And it always takes us by surprise because if we expected it, we would in no way be betrayed.
I Hope You Find Someone Who Makes You Feel Beautiful
And when you finally find someone to love, I hope you find someone who you are completely comfortable being naked around.
When Someone Hurts You Remember One Day They Will Hurt Too
Everyone who has ever hurt you, betrayed you or caused you pain, will one day face the same kind of pain and heartache too. One day, the universe will turn on them, just as they had turned on you. This isn’t about karma. This is the truth behind being human. We all suffer. Some us, perhaps more than others and that may seem unfair, but life has a way of making us all struggle at a point we least expect it.
I Miss You But I Don’t Want You Back
On the days I am choked with your memory, when the good times return to me so fleetingly, I allow myself to feel your presence around me again.
On The Days You Feel Misunderstood, I Hope You Remember This
Some days you’re going to feel so unbeautiful.
The Truth About Soulmates
I’ve been thinking about soulmates again. And I think soulmates do exist, but not in the be all, end all, love only one-person kind of way.
This is Why You Should Feel All Your Negative Emotions
Maybe no one told you this often enough, but it is okay to be sad. It’s all right to feel things to a point that makes you want to clench your fists tight. It’s fine to be angry.
The Truth About Life and Suffering
They say, “Yes you will suffer.” But they don’t say, “But you will also experience the deepest of joys. You will experience the births and deaths of the greatest of loves.
The Person Who Loves You Most
The person who loves you most will not make you cry yourself to sleep.
Even if You’re Kind, People Will Misunderstand You
The sad thing is, no matter how good or kind or gentle you are, there are going to be people out there who would like to do nothing more than to tear you down.
What To Look For In A Human Being
They say humans are predictable. That the best way to understand another human being is look at their pattern of behaviour and allow it to dictate your perception of them.
This Is Why You Should Not Let Their Leaving End You
Just because they have left, it does not mean you are a bad person. Apologise to yourself for beating yourself up for their leaving. You deserve better from yourself.
5 Life Affirming Lessons I Learned After Hitting Rock Bottom
I’ve recently been going through a period in my life where a lot of change has happened at once.
10 Important Things to Remember After You Break Up With Him
1. Every second of every minute you were with him, you thought of him as God, when he should have been seeing a Goddess in you too.
A Thank You To Fake Friends
To my fake friends, thank you for showing me the value in understanding people for what they are. Thank you for taking all of my good qualities and turning them into something negative to fit your narrative.