When Someone Hurts You Remember One Day They Will Hurt Too
Everyone who has ever hurt you, betrayed you or caused you pain, will one day face the same kind of pain and heartache too. One day, the universe will turn on them, just as they had turned on you. This isn’t about karma. This is the truth behind being human. We all suffer. Some us,…
Nikita Gill

Everyone who has ever hurt you, betrayed you or caused you pain, will one day face the same kind of pain and heartache too. One day, the universe will turn on them, just as they had turned on you. This isn’t about karma. This is the truth behind being human. We all suffer. Some us, perhaps more than others and that may seem unfair, but life has a way of making us all struggle at a point we least expect it.
One day, everything feels like it’s going great and suddenly, three things go wrong all at once. And you’re plunged into despair and sadness and heartbreak and going through all 5 stages of grief.
The struggle with suffering through something is being rational about it.
When another human being is the cause, all we want is revenge. We want to hurt them. We want to cause them pain, the kind of pain that they have caused us. We wait for the universe for turn on them, we wait on some form of vindication, our teeth clenched around the word revenge like a dog with a bone. And when it doesn’t happen, we grow despondent. Like even the universe is taking sides. But it isn’t.
The universe does not take sides.
And one day, at the worst time, in the worst way, what that person did to you will return to them in a way that they might not even connect to you. There is a simple fact about energy. You get back what you put out into the world. If someone is the kind of person that deliberately hurts other people, is deeply unforgiving towards those who have accidentally hurt them or caused them pain, acts in a manner that is very petty (and we all know people who act petty and unforgiving but I’m talking about bullies), and who actively excludes others simply because they have power of some kind, you can bet that one day everything they are inflicting on others will come back to them. Call it consequences, call it karma, at the end of the day, you get back what you dish out. One day, these people will be stripped of their power, whether it is in their social group, in their work place, in their family, and when they are, when they finally feel as fragile and defenseless as they made others feel, they will be punched in the gut with fistful after fistful of life.
You know what the difference will be between you and them? Personal growth. Bullies inflict harm on others because they have never learned how to grow better from their experiences. You will grow whilst they will wilt from the same pain they caused you. They will not know how to handle it. And they will break down and fall apart whilst you will pick up the shards of your life from the floor and rebuild.
So do not worry.
Do not think you have been abandoned to your pain, that those that hurt you will never experience any kind of sadness or hurt in their lives. Do not believe that the universe is targeting you whilst favouring them.
Just learn from the experience the universe is giving you. Grieve, let the tears fall, take what is good from it, then get up and say goodbye to the monsters that hurt you and caused you this kind of pain with the understanding that one day, they will hurt too.