Nikita Gill

Nikita is the author of Your Soul Is A River and Your Heart Is The Sea.

Love In The Moment

This is how true love happens. This is how lasting love happens. It is not the movie theatre type of romance, it is not grand gestures, and dying confessions. Love, real love, is in the quiet of a thunderstorm feeling safe.

It’s Not Me, It’s You

No, I am not going to sit here and pretend the problem was me when very clearly it was you. You don’t get to treat me like I am nothing but a fire you need to warm your hands by only to douse it out when the time has come to leave.

A Message For All The Soft People In The World

You are blessed, you are, because you have something other people have given up, little realising how precious it is. Your kindness is the most wonderful thing about you and it comes from the softness in your heart, from feeling too much where others feel too little, from noticing the things that other people just pass by.

This Is Why The Strongest People Need Support The Most

The strongest ones of us need support more than anything in the world because of being strong so very long that when they fall apart, it is not just a human falling to pieces and recovering, it is an avalanche, a volcanic eruption, the amount of pain that you could not imagine possible for a human to hold within themselves.

How To Deal With The Mind Games Some People Play

I have never understood why some people feel the need to get territorial over and play games with other people’s partners. Even when they have their own. It doesn’t matter if you were friends with the guy before he got a girlfriend or a girl before she got a boyfriend, there are some lines you just do not cross.

Things Have A Way Of Working Out

The thing is, human beings, we are incredibly resilient. We have dealt with great pain and heartache and still manage to recover. Sure, maybe we are broken. Maybe we are lost. But my God, do we recover from the terrible things that try to destroy us.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Life is about more than work and marriage and success. It’s about being a good person. It is about appreciating every person that enters and exits your life whilst you have them. It is about living a wholesome life tailored to you. It’s about making mistakes and learning from them. It’s about falling in love with the wrong people so when the right ones come along you know how to appreciate them.

Your Trauma Does Not Define You

You have forged yourself. From the very womb of your sadness, from the womb of your old self, you have come out, borne of blood and pain.