Nikita Gill

Nikita is the author of Your Soul Is A River and Your Heart Is The Sea.
Articles by
Nikita Gill
Here’s How You Know If You REALLY Love Them
So when you say you love them, do you really? Have you seen them at their deepest truth? All the layers stripped away and sheer primitive emotion?
This Is Why People With Depression Are Actually The Strongest
Depression is a dark thing lurking inside your brain, slowly shutting every single light out till you have nothing but the abyss.
Hate To Break It To You But You Met Him For A Reason
He was a storm. That’s the best way to describe him. He came into your life with the gale force passion, your whole heart was his from the moment you two decided this was it.
14 Positive One-Sentence Reminders About Your Negative Emotions
Anger is a valid, justified, human emotion and just needs a healthy release.
Please Stop Doubting Yourself When You Are Happy
I want you to know this. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.
In 2018, I Hope You Turn Being Alone To A Blessing
In 2018, I hope you learn how to be alone. Better yet, I hope you learn to love being alone. There is a big difference between alone and lonely, and I hope you find that being alone is a brilliant opportunity to grow and do things that you found you could never do in a relationship.
This Morning I Stopped Missing You
I tried to learn how to live with it, but pain makes a terrible bedfellow. It keeps you up at night, never allowing you to sleep. Eventually, it colours all of your life in shades so dark that you forget how to breathe.
Your Feelings Are Valid And You Don’t Have To Apologise
The way you deal with your pain in a moment of trauma is not a direct reflection on your strength.
5 Habits Of Successful Couples
They don’t fall in love, they walk in with both eyes open.
4 Ways To Stop Giving A Damn What People Think About You
The truth is, the only person you need liking you is you.
5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life Of Toxicity
Treat yourself to no internet days. The world is literally on fire right now. Everything feels like it is burning and we are processing human suffering everyday via social media that no human is supposed to process on this scale. So do yourself a favour, switch off your computer, switch off your phone and take a walk outside in the fresh air.
Nice Try, But She’s Not Coming Back
She will burn every bridge that has your name on it, watch the flames kiss the wood so she never has to the cross the river back to you.
It’s Going To Ache Before It Starts To Heal
It is human nature to reach the point of no return and recognise that the only way out of the sadness, the pain, the heartache is to move forward in a different direction from where you were moving before.
Your Best Relationship Will Be With Someone Who Loves Books
Date someone who loves books. Someone who takes you on magical journeys with all of the tales that they can tell and all of the stories they have read. Someone who is gentle and empathetic as they are full of depth
You Don’t Need To Forgive The People Who Hurt You To Heal
Let me clear on this from one survivor to another, from one victim to another: You do not have to forgive anyone except yourself to start your healing journey. The person who hurt you, who abused you does not deserve your forgiveness, you deserve your own forgiveness.
Self Care Also Means Being Able To Do THIS.
Here is a hard thing to admit. Sometimes you are the most toxic person in the room. Sometimes, you have allowed the world to bring you down so much that you spew negativity.
No One Is Coming To Save You, But You’re Going To Be Okay
You see, here is the brutal truth about people: they may have the absolute best intentions, but they will, like the leaves of the trees that promised they would never leave, drift away. They are temporary and unreliable. They have their own issues to work through, and no matter how much they promise they are going to be there for you, people will let you down. It’s human nature.
Love In The Moment
This is how true love happens. This is how lasting love happens. It is not the movie theatre type of romance, it is not grand gestures, and dying confessions. Love, real love, is in the quiet of a thunderstorm feeling safe.