girl holding lights, love you deserve, self-love quotes, self love quotes, passion you're worthy of
Allef Vinicius

31 Self-Love Quotes To Remind You Of The Passion You’re Worthy Of

"You deserve the love you keep trying to give everyone else." – Bianca Sparacino


girl holding lights, love you deserve, self-love quotes, self love quotes, passion you're worthy of
Allef Vinicius


“You are a unique collection of cells and energy that will never again be recreated on this planet earth. In that way alone, you are worthy.”
Jacob Geers, You Deserve To Love Yourself


“You deserve the affection that you kept trying to pour into others. You deserve the same motivation that you tried to inspire in others. You deserve the high of happy, without the low of sadness. You deserve the joy of being spoiled, without the catch of having to repay. You deserve the relaxation of trust, without the paranoia of betrayal. You deserve to be confident, without the reminder to be humble. You deserve to look at your reflection with eyes of awe, not judgment. You deserve to be held forever, not for a night. You deserve to be first, second, and third. You deserve to have everything you want. You deserve this power. It is who you are and who you will always be.”
G.L. Lambert, Men Don’t Love Women Like You


“If you don’t feel lightning in your bones, don’t stay.”
Brianna Perry, If You Don’t Feel Lightning In Your Bones, Don’t Stay


“You deserve a love that won’t keep you up worrying. You deserve a love that feels like home. A love that is certain. A love that makes sense.”
Ari Eastman, You Deserve A Love You Don’t Have To Question


“You deserve love and security, a combination that warms the core of your heart. You deserve knowledge that the person you are with wants to be there and, more importantly, won’t run away when times get tough.”
Kyle Freelander, What The Person You Deserve Is Like


“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
Steven Chbosky, The Perks Of Being a Wallflower


“Someone is going to love you, simply because you are worthy. And each touch, each kiss, each word that leaves their lips will show you what you’ve been missing all along.”
Marisa Donnelly, Someone Will See The Brokenness In Your Heart And Love You In Spite Of It


“If they cannot understand
the wildness inside you,
they will try to tame it
and cage it.
Find someone who appreciates
the beauty of wild things
like you.”
Nikita Gill, Your Soul Is A River


“You deserve a teammate. You deserve someone that has your back. Underneath it all, you deserve a friend.”
Alyssa Lynn, You Deserve To Be With Someone Who Actually Gives A Damn About You


“You deserve to be loved; and loved extraordinarily well. And to be told that you are loved, every single day.”
Shani Jayawardena, This Is The Kind Of Love You Deserve


“I hope you find what you deserve. I hope you discover the type of love that you’ve wasted upon others. I hope you understand that what you demand is never too much.”
r.h sin, Rest in the Mourning


“You deserve the love that fights for you, keeps you and stays with you whatever happens.”
Nicole Phreeman, This Is The Kind Of Love Worth Waiting For


“You don’t deserve to be half-loved. You deserve to be loved wholeheartedly. You deserve someone who is willing to fight for you, someone who doesn’t use lame excuses for their lack of attention or someone who is always too busy to make time for you.”
Rania Naim, You Don’t Deserve A Chill Kind Of Love, You Deserve Magic


“Know what you deserve and accept that there is something bigger meant for you. Wait for the love that will be every bit worth the wait.”
Liane White, I Hope You Wait For The Love You Deserve


“You deserve love not because you’re a ‘special woman’ or an ‘amazing man,’ but because you’re a human being. Every single person alive is worthy of love.”
Will Penney, Yes, Idiot, Even You Are Worthy Of Love


“You can’t force a relationship. You can’t force love. You can’t force the tingles, the butterflies, or the goosebumps, even down to the very last one.
You can’t change someone. You can’t only love them when you’re drunk and lonely. You can’t only think they’re the one when others make you lose all hope in love. You can’t turn them into someone they’re not, someone you want them to be.
What you can do though is realize what you deserve. Realize what you want. Realize what you’re looking for.”
Brianna Perry, If You Don’t Feel Lightning In Your Bones, Don’t Stay


“You deserve to be loved. Even now, with all of your flaws. However difficult you think you are, there is someone out there who will love you.

They will hold your hand through your anxiety. They will be there for you even on your worst, angriest days. They will allow you to grow and evolve in the way you need. And even when you make mistakes, they will take the time to understand you and forgive you.

Love is not a thing that needs to be earned by changing yourself from the person you are.”
Nikita Gill, You Deserve Love, Right Now, Just As You Are


“You deserve a love that can conquer all, even the hardest temptations and the most unbearable discouragement. A love that can withstand the strongest and raging storms, you deserve the type of love that will keep you safe.”
Racquelshii Manuel, Here’s The Type of Love You Truly Deserve


“You deserve to be with someone who looks at you every single day like they’ve won the lottery and have the whole world in front of them.”
Soft Grung, via Twitter


“Love yourself enough to demand the respect you deserve from everyone else around you because you are worth it.”
Becca Martin, Love Yourself So You Don’t Have To Rely On Someone Else To Do It For You


“You deserve someone who would make you so happy that you forget that you had ever been sad; someone who would love you so much that you forget that you were once wondering if you are worthy of love. You deserve someone who would make you realize that you deserve to be loved; but not just with any kind of love.”
Nica Rodriguez, You Deserve A Love Just Like This


“You are a wild and beautiful thing.
You must always remember
the difference between being loved
and tamed.”
Marisa Donnelly, 9 Poems To Remind You Of The Powerful, Passionate Love You Deserve


“You deserve to wake up to a long, crafted text message that inspires you to give your best for the day. You deserve to have someone who thinks about what you’re doing in the middle of the afternoon. You deserve to go to bed at night knowing that you are valued and appreciated.”
Angelo Caerlang, Dear Hopeless Romantic, You Deserve To Be Loved Like This


“You need someone who will lift you up. Who has as much drive and ambition as you do. Who wants to go to the places you want to go. Who will support you on the way there. Someone who isn’t jealous of your accomplishments, but praises them. Someone who isn’t looking to compete with you, but be in a partnership.”
Brianna Wiest, The Love You Want Isn’t Always The Love You Deserve


“Love is one of the most wonderful emotions that we’re capable of. To be loved means to be cherished for being exactly the person that you are.”
David Lorscheid, How To Love Yourself


“Promise yourself that you will choose to love yourself every single day, whether or not you sleep beside another human being. Contrary to popular belief, you become whole when you start to love every inch of your body, every aspect of your character, and every feature of your mind, not when you find home in someone else’s arms.”
Bianca Sparacino, Dying Is Certain, Living Is Not


“Anything less than mad, passionate, extraordinary love is a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with and love shouldn’t be one of them.”
Tiffanie DeBartolo, Dreams For An Insomniac


“You deserve a trustworthy relationship that won’t give you a reason to be guarded. You deserve a lifetime of feeling secured and protected. You deserve a love story that is built in honesty.”
Angelo Caerlang, You Don’t Deserve A Confusing Love, You Deserve Something Honest


“Someone, someday will not think you are damaged goods. They will believe that you are deserving of full love, real love and are not too shattered to receive it. They will show you that you are enough, remind you that they care and aren’t leaving. They will accept the patches on your heart, the mess you bring to the table and laugh right along with you because they carry some of the same baggage, too.
Someone, someday is going to see the brokenness in your heart and love you in spite of it.”
Marisa Donnelly, Someone Will See The Brokenness In Your Heart And Love You In Spite Of It


“You deserve to find someone who does not ask you to lessen your roar, who is in awe of the magnitude by which your passion burns. You deserve to find someone who will only ever want to add to your fire, someone who will use their own matchstick heart to encourage your passion, to magnify your flame.”
Bianca Sparacino, You Deserve The Love You Keep Trying To Give Everyone Else


“You deserve to be someone’s only choice.”
r.h. Sin, Whiskey Words & a Shovel II Thought Catalog Logo Mark