Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
I Don’t Want A Lover, I Want A Best Friend
I want a best friend. Someone I can tease, joke around with, go out with, or stay in and binge-watch Prison Break with. Someone who will give me a genuine compliment when I look my best, but will honestly tell me when I look like sh*t and need to get my butt off the couch.
Love Isn’t About Chasing Perfection, It’s About Finding Something Real
Love and perfection are two different things. Love is real. Finding someone who will drive you crazy, but still make your life wonderful—that’s real.
This Is For The Girls Who Care Too Much
You have a lot of feelings, a lot of heart. You are too much. But it’s okay to be too much.
How To Stay True To You In These 10 Real-Life Situations
You have to be true to yourself, to your hidden (but very real) desires and wishes, and to your bigger-than-life dreams.
27 Beautiful Bible Verses For Every Woman In Need Of Love, Reassurance And Strength
“I loved you at your darkest.” — Romans 5:8
An Emotional Man Is The Man To Fall In Love With
An emotional man is a man who is secure in himself. He loves loving others, and he loves others the only way he knows how: wholeheartedly and openly.
21 Signs You’re A Definite ‘Fixer’
You think you have the power to cure things. Like addiction or disease or irrational fears. (PSA: You can’t.)
I Don’t Want Our Love To Be Comfortable
I don’t want our love to be comfortable. For us to describe ourselves as fine, good, happy. Life is too short for good, fine, and happy.
16 Reasons Why Clingy Chicks Make The Best Girlfriends
Because you’ll never have to wonder where she is. (She’s right next to you.)
10 Characteristics To Look For In A Man You Can Grow Old With
He doesn’t just make you feel comfortable.
Just So You Know, It’s Okay To Feel Everything
To feel means that you are experiencing life. It means that you are allowing yourself to be a real person. A person with faults and flaws, expectations and emotions. A person that is capable of loving and forgiving, breaking and rebuilding, again and again.
To The Men, Please Don’t Settle Either
If you find yourself wishing for someone else. If your days feel empty, like something’s missing, if you know that this woman isn’t who you’d want to marry one day, then let her go.
Don’t Be Afraid To Be Vulnerable
People so often confuse vulnerability with weakness. They believe that being vulnerable is being naïve, is standing on a ledge, closing your eyes, and falling, blindly into people and relationships. But what they don’t understand, is that being vulnerable is the strongest thing you can be.
I Want You When You’re Broken
I know I cannot fix you, cannot make you whole. But I can make you believe. And I want that.
11 Reasons Why Working With Young Children Is The Most Rewarding Job In The World
You celebrate the little things every single day.
Please, Be This Kind Of Woman
Be a woman who doesn’t expect everything to be handed to her, but goes out and creates her own world.
This Is How You Know Your Broken Heart Has Finally Healed
You aren’t scared of letting someone in. Because you know that all men are not the same, and you don’t want to hide behind your fear anymore.
Read This If You’re A Woman Who Likes To ‘Fix People’
This might not be the way of the world, to be a fixer, to appreciate a fixer. It’s unhealthy, really, to love people that aren’t good for you, to try to mend what can only be mended by that person. But you try because it’s inherent within you to care.
And you don’t need to apologize for that.