Lisa Woods
11 Men Reveal Exactly What It’s Like To Propose To ‘The One’ And Get Flat-Out Rejected
“When I asked my ex to marry me, she said yes. It would have been better if she had said no.”
19 Men Share How They Really Feel About Crying In Front Of Their SO
“I’m so “indoctrinated”, it is hard for me to not be completely ashamed and fight crying even around people who completely support me and would not think less of me for it.”
14 Married Men Explain How They Gave Up The Single Life To Commit (Finally!)
“Which are you more likely to regret in 30 years: not sleeping with more randos, or letting the best girl you ever met get away?”
25 Guys Talk About The Surefire Ways They Can Tell You’re Really Interested
“Does she text you first?”
17 Men Confess Exactly How They Wish Women Would Flirt With Them
“The most intense feeling of being flirted with I’ve ever had was with a woman who was out on the dance floor and looking at me while I sat at a table on the sidelines. Went on for a good ten minutes and by the time she came over to speak to me I would have done anything she asked.”
14 People Confess To How They Became Cheaters And Why Most Don’t Plan On Stopping
“Through all the lies and the self destructive behavior, you realize you’re actually doing a drug. Habitual cheating is exactly like drug use. It benefits no one but you and your selfish needs. Then when you get off of it, you’re always one step away from relapse.”
26 Women Who Gave Their Cheating SO A Second Chance Share Why And Whether It Was Worth It Or Not
“Six years later we are 1000 times happier than we were before he cheated. It brought us closer.”
27 Men Who Took Back Their Cheating SO Share Why And Whether It Was Worth It Or Not
Even when a relationship recovers, men who’ve been cheated on are never the same.
21 Women Who Got Labelled ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriends’ Tell Their Side Of The Story
He fucked my life and set me back years–money I could’ve saved, time with other people or working on school or jobs. He knew he was ruining my future and didn’t care. I know they’ve all told everyone I’m a crazy, spiteful bitch.
42 Women Share The Secrets They Desperately Want Men To Know
“I want to be treated like a person. Not a prize. Not some code that needs to be cracked. Not like a goddess. Not like a whore. A person.”
41 People Share The Most Outrageous And Hilarious Lies They Ever Told
At, work, for whatever reason, when I first started I told a girl that I was married…I was never married…It got so out of hand that I actually bought a fake wedding ring….The whole hospital thinks I’m a husband…
21 People Share Why Sleeping With An Ex Is Never, Ever A Good Idea (EVER!)
“It’s never how it was before.”
9 Older Women Share Their Harrowing Back Alley Abortion Stories
“My doctor was sympathetic and with his aid I located an abortionist in Nevada. He, however, was “on vacation”. The next step was Tijuana.”
18 Dudes Reveal The Warning Signs They Look For The First Time You Invite Them In
Some of these are brutal.
17 Experienced Guys Answer The Question ‘How Long Do You Have To Go Down On Her?’
“Twenty minutes is a looooong time for someone to have to go down on a girl. If she’s wanting more than that then she’s just being greedy.”
8 Former ‘Other Women’ Reveal What It’s Like To Be A Mistress
“The best sex I’ve ever had was with a man fifteen years older than me with two kids and a wife of ten years.”
17 Women Reveal How Long They Made Their Boyfriend Wait To Have Sex, And Why
“My current boyfriend of five years and I slept together the first night we met. There was no way we weren’t going to.”
15 Hilarious Amazon Reviews Of ’50 Shades’ That Are Better Than The Actual Book
“And oh, the repetition…and the repetition…and the repetition. I’m convinced the author has a computer macro that she hits to insert one of her limited repertoire of facial expressions whenever she needs one.”