Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

Whatever You Do, Don’t Get My Hopes Up

Don’t meet my family. Don’t meet my relatives. Don’t hold my hand in public and kiss me on the tip of my nose. Don’t give me bear hugs. Don’t call me yours. If you don’t really want me.

This Is Why She Isn’t Coming Back To You

Maybe she thought she needed you at first. That she needed a body to hold at night when it got too dark to see. Or maybe she thought that she needed the reassurance of a hand or a hug. But I can guarantee you, she never needed it. She never needed you.

The Strongest Girls Are The Ones With Stories

The strongest girls are the ones who don’t feel sorry for themselves. And no matter what has happened to them in their lives, and no matter what their hearts have been through, they hold no hatred for the universe.

You’re Allowed To Move On

Move on from a life that has bruised your ego. From a life that has done nothing but pour tragedy and disaster into your heart. Move on from the past that has you reeling every time you look back on it. Move on from the ugly ghosts that haunt you to this day.

Stop Waiting Around — He’s Not Coming Back

He left for a reason. He said goodbye for a reason. He didn’t just walk away without thinking about it. And maybe he’s an idiot for it. Maybe he made the biggest mistake of his life leaving you. But it’s done. It’s final.

Why The Perpetually Single Girls Are The Most Lovable

They aren’t ever going to settle just because they are lonely, or just because all their other friends have significant others. They know that true love is worth waiting for. They know that true love is worth the years of being alone. They know deep down inside of them, that it will happen one day.

The Truth About Loving Too Hard

I don’t think it’s our fault that we do it. It’s how our hearts were made, really. It’s how our hearts were molded and held. We were born to be givers. To be the ones with bigger hearts than most, that grow and grow without needing to be full.