Why The Perpetually Single Girls Are The Most Lovable

Seth Doyle

The perpetually single girls are the ones who wait. They are the ones who have patience, because they know it’s better to wait, than to ever settle for someone who will treat them like dirt.

They wait. Not because they are afraid or because they are broken, but because they know what they deserve. 

They aren’t perpetually single because they are cowards, or they are afraid of falling in love. They are just afraid of falling in love with someone who won’t fall for them with the same intensity. They are afraid of falling in love with someone who isn’t worth their time. They are afraid of falling in love with someone who will end up being completely wrong for them.

They don’t want to fall in love and not be met with the same care they give to others. They don’t want to fall in love and not be kissed with the same passion they give to others.

The perpetually single girl is the girl with the open heart. It’s wide open, for all the world to see. Yet, the world doesn’t give it a second glance. And so, she waits.

The perpetually single girls are the ones with the most self-esteem, the most courage and the most self-confidence. Because you see, they don’t need a relationship to give them self-worth. They don’t need a man or a woman to give them clarity. They don’t need the status, the arm candy, or the perks from a relationship. They don’t care about any of that.

What they do care about is quality. The quality of love, not the quantity.

They will wait however they long they need to, to find the love that they are looking. To find the kind of love that they have always wondered about.

Their hearts are full of hope and wonder, and if you are the one they choose to love, your heart will never be the same. Because you see, the perpetually single girls are the girls with hearts made up of stars. The perpetually single girls, are the girls with hearts made up of dreams and faith.

They aren’t ever going to settle just because they are lonely, or just because all their other friends have significant others. They know that true love is worth waiting for. They know that true love is worth the years of being alone. They know deep down inside of them, that it will happen one day.

The perpetually single girls are the ones who won’t ever give up. They are the ones who love with every bone in their bodies and who hope with every cell in their veins. And they are the ones who will never, ever settle for anything less than big love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

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