Lauren Jarvis-Gibson
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Articles by
Lauren Jarvis-Gibson
I Want A ‘Best Friend’ Kind Of Love
I want the kind of partner who is firstly my friend. Who will back me up when I believe in something that no one else does. A friend who will listen to me talk on and on about my worst day at work. A friend who will rub my feet on the couch even though they are exhausted too. I want the kind of partner who will be my safe place. My safe haven. And my person.
Even Though I Want To, I Understand Why We Don’t Talk Anymore
I want to ask you everything. I want to ask how your love life is. I want to ask about who you are now. Because I don’t know you anymore. And maybe you want it to be like that. But it’s okay. Because I understand. I understand why we can’t say something as simple as a ‘hello’.
You Deserve To Live
Don’t stop. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t let the sadness and the pain take over your every emotion. Get help. Talk to your friends that you know won’t judge you. Call someone. Breathe and know that this too shall pass.
In 2018, Don’t Settle For Almost Relationships
You only have one heart and one life. And at the end of the day, you will be stuck with your choices and chances that you took or didn’t take. Choose wisely. And most importantly, always know that your heart is sacred. And it belongs to someone just as sacred and beautiful as you.
Why We Fight So Hard For The People That Are Wrong For Us
It seems contradictory, right? We have such wide and open heart. We want to love and love some more. We search and search, trying to find our forever person. And then we pick the person who is completely wrong for us. Maybe blindly. But in time, we realize it isn’t a good match. And yet, we don’t give up on it.
It’s Time To Treat Your Heart Better In 2018
Be kind to others but be even kinder to yourself. Let yourself rest when you need to. Let yourself breathe when you need to. Let yourself fall in love with every single part of you — even the parts that aren’t so beautiful.
11 Things Your Partner Doesn’t Realize You’re Doing Because Of Your Anxiety
You question your love for them. Even though deep down you know you love them, sometimes you question your own heart. Your anxiety sometimes can make you second guess yourself and downplay your gut instincts. Sometimes, you really do think to yourself, do I truly love this person? Is this person really a good fit for me?
When He Asks For A Second Chance, Remember Why You Left In The First Place
So don’t go back. Block his number. He doesn’t deserve your heart. He doesn’t deserve your energy. And he doesn’t deserve your love that you show generously wanted to give him.
In 2018, Be Selfish As Hell
In 2018, put yourself on the top of your priority list. Put yourself first. Start believing that you are a force to be reckoned with, instead of believing that you are nothing. Start believing that your heart is so much more precious than you have ever remembered. And start believing that you, and your soul, are made to be loved.
How I Went From Being A Depressed 22-Year-Old To A Happy 25-Year-Old (With An Actual Career)
What changed over the last three years is not the places or the people I have met along the way. What has changed, is me. What changed, is me finally putting myself first. What changed, is me deciding that I am worth it. That I deserve a happy life and a career that I adore. What changed, is the mindset of believing in myself again.
8 Thought Catalog Writers Share How They Stay Stylish While Traveling
I used to think hair dryers were something that took too much effort for what always turned out to be frizzy and dry hair.
Even Though We Said Goodbye, I’m So Grateful I Met You This Year
Our story ended shortly. But now I think it was supposed to be that way. It was almost too good to be true. You were almost too pure. Too bright, you could have blinded me.
Why I’m Happy I Haven’t Found ‘The One’ Yet At 25
I have still so much to do. So much to see. So many more people to meet and people to love and adore. I have so much more exploring to do. Exploring myself, figuring out what makes my heart race or slow down. I have so much to learn about me. So much to grasp onto and to soak up what life has to give me.
How Two People Fall Apart
Tears drip softly down your face and it stings when it hits your chest. ‘Bye’, you say, knowing fully well he can hear your soft cries. ‘Bye’, he says, with his own tears soaking through the other line. Click.
What Happens When You Break An Anxious Girl’s Heart
You told her it wasn’t her fault. You told her it was all you. But how can she believe that now?
What You Have To Look Forward To In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius: For 2018, you will have so much to look forward to! The number one thing you have to look forward to is a new friendship that will blossom and grow into true love. You will no longer have to wait for the big love you have always dreamed about. Congratulations!
The Love To Wait For In 2018
Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope inside of your heart and your entire being. Don’t let yourself be discouraged. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t compare and contrast yourself to other people who are settling down.
How To Let Them Go In 2018
You will feel like you will be alone forever. And you will think that they were only the person in the world you could ever love you like that. But in time, will come clarity. In time, you will see someone else smile and you will feel less alone. In time, you will be laughing with your friends at all at once you won’t feel sad. In time, will come the comfort from your own heart.