Lance Pauker
6 Rejection-Proof Ways To Catch The Attention Of The Cute, Quiet Guy At The Bar
The key to cracking this guy’s code is to pull Inception on him–in the sense that you need to convince him that it’s actually you who is making the first move.
9 Ways To Win Over His Family The First Time You Meet Them
5. Hone in on something his family thinks is funny, and milk it for all it’s worth.
19 Reasons Why You Probably Feel Way Older Than You Actually Are
11. You’re trying as hard as you possibly can not to be the “can you believe it’s already October?” guy, but…can you believe that it’s already October?
21 Signs Your Addiction To Good Television Is Reaching Very Dangerous Levels
Three episodes in one day is nothing. Four is impressive. Five is rare. You’ve done… seven.
22 Things You Can No Longer Get Away With Once You Graduate College
5. The duck face.
40 Signs You’ve Been Spending Way Too Much Money
You’ve come to terms that success isn’t defined by how deep your pockets are. Though this is mostly out of personal convenience.
35 Things That Only Extremely Single People Do
10. You constantly entertain wild, all too memorable threesomes. (Couch + Blanket + Alcohol.)
9 Things People Won’t Tell You About Getting A Job After College
Briefly, you’ll feel like the world is more than manageable; it’s easily conquerable.
23 Soul-Crushing Truths About Being 23
Old enough to know everything, but too young to actually know anything.
35 Things Your Boyfriend Isn’t Telling You
10. He doesn’t like your friends close to as much as he says he does. Which is probably a good thing.
With Frightening Accuracy, This Video Explains Why Girls Are So Obsessed With Fall
If any of the above describes you–and if you just so happened to have just purchased a bunch of cute, autumn-minded outfits–you may be suffering from CFD. #DontFallForFall.
21 Genius Larry David-isms For Dealing With People
“Two years, you’re still getting sorries? I don’t think so, that’s a long time for sorries. That’s like saying Happy New Year in October. “
Why Guys Don’t Fall In Love
Poker face. Seven months in, it’s still a game. Now more than ever.
Ranking The 15 Chain Restaurants That Truly Define American Life
There are few things more American than chowing down at a chain restaurant–serving up life as it truly is, with a side of affordable prices to boot.
10 Things You Suddenly Start Caring About Once You Graduate College
6. Telling Other People About Your Hangover.
18 Emo Songs That All Dudes Secretly Love
Sometimes, us men go great lengths to deny that we’re able to feel feelings. The pent up repression varies by man, but those of us unable to fully express our compassion on the reg tend to have similar-sounding soft spots.
25 Signs You’re Underemployed
3. You’ve descended into depths that in the not so distant past, you swore you’d never go to. I am of course talking about endorsing people on LinkedIn.
The 25 Best Coming Of Age Movies Of The Last 25 Years
As we’ve grown into the sometimes functional human beings that we currently are, we’ve come across certain films that have truly “spoken to us”–that focus on the sorts of issues that we can identify with all too well. Here are some of the finest from the past quarter century: