I Don’t Need You To Spoil Me, But I Definitely Need You To Make An Effort

I don’t need you to text me from the second your alarm chimes in the morning until your head sinks into your pillow at night. I don’t need never-ending affection. But I do need affection. I need you to set time aside to visit me and plan out dates you think I’d like. I need you to ask me about my day and tell me all about yours. I need you to prove that you give a damn about me.

Let 2017 Be The Year You Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Let 2017 be the year you surprise yourself. Let it be the year you put one step forward instead of taking three steps back. Let it be the year you sprint instead of stumble. And let it be the year you go for your goals instead of turning your head away from them. Let it be the year you get up off of your ass, and start putting your life back together.