I’m Sorry But I Just Can’t Let You Back In Anymore
Why We All Deserve To Stop ‘Doing It For The Gram’
My Mom Asks Why I’ve Stopped Dating

it’s not about building up walls,
it’s about not liking anyone enough
to invite them inside for coffee.
If You Want To Live A Better Life, Stop Making Excuses For Yourself

The only thing stopping you, is you. The only person pushing you to not do it, is you. The only person stopping you from accomplishing your goals, is you. So stop disappointing yourself. And do it.
8 Things You Should Never Have To Compromise In A Relationship (Even If You’re Head Over Heels In Love)
Your life goals. Ultimately, when you love someone, you both should support one another’s goals, not pull the other person away from them.
In 2017, I Hope You Give People A Chance To Get To Know You

I hope you find a way to shed that armor you’ve been donning. Forgive me for how grossly cheesy this is, but that heart of yours is so good.
12 Things You Don’t Realize She’s Doing Because She Feels Worthless

She takes forever to text back. She’s lonely. But when a friend tries to reach out to her, she doesn’t respond. She feels like she has nothing worthwhile to say. Like she’d only bring the other person down. Depress them.
Here’s How Getting Off Of Hormone-Based Birth Control Changed My Life

It’s wild, realizing that I might have never had anxiety/depression. It’s wild knowing that it all might have come down to my hormones being tampered with.
In 2017, I Am Done Getting My Heart Broken

I am done wearing myself down. I am done giving people my all, when I get nothing in return. I am done giving away my whole heart, when all I get back, is my soul torn to shreds.
The 7 Biggest Mistakes Women Make In Dating

There’s a fantasy across society that ‘love and relationships’ is the one area of life where you can achieve amazing results, without putting in any effort.
I Hope You Fall In Love With Someone Who Feels Like Home

But I hope you find someone who defines what home means to you. And I hope when you find that person, you never have to know what it’s like to live without them.
I Don’t Need You To Spoil Me, But I Definitely Need You To Make An Effort

I don’t need you to text me from the second your alarm chimes in the morning until your head sinks into your pillow at night. I don’t need never-ending affection. But I do need affection. I need you to set time aside to visit me and plan out dates you think I’d like. I need you to ask me about my day and tell me all about yours. I need you to prove that you give a damn about me.
When You’re The Girl Who’s Always Smiling

They don’t know that sometimes a smile is the only way to hide your pain and sometimes it’s the only way to show that you’re not broken inside.
The Ultimate Single Girl Bucket List: 61 Dates You Can Take Your Beautiful Self On This Year

Spend the afternoon at the library, drinking coffee, journaling, and getting lost in a good book.
17 People Share Their Super Honest New Year’s Resolutions

“Blocking my shitty ex and not running back to him whenever he promises me he’s changed. Because shocker, he never does.”
To Say ‘Yes’ To Love Is To Say ‘Yes’ To Pain
Let 2017 Be The Year You Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Let 2017 be the year you surprise yourself. Let it be the year you put one step forward instead of taking three steps back. Let it be the year you sprint instead of stumble. And let it be the year you go for your goals instead of turning your head away from them. Let it be the year you get up off of your ass, and start putting your life back together.