Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

Here’s Why You Keep Falling For All The Wrong People, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: Because you’re so logical, you tend to go for people who you think you make a good match with on paper. But as you’ve probably learned, being a good match on paper doesn’t often equate to being a good match in real life. You have to start paying more attention to your gut and to the chemistry you feel with someone, and stop worrying so much about specific qualifications.

25 Things Every Woman Should Know By 25

Finding the balance between being the protagonist of your own life, while also understanding that some things are simply out of your control, will bring you an incredible amount of peace.

All The Things You Should Have By 25

You should have the belief that there is no right way to do this, no specific timeline that your twenties must follow. That as long as you’re working hard, challenging yourself, fostering your relationships, and walking through your life awake, that you’re doing your twenties right.

This Is The Kind Of Person You Marry

You marry the person who makes you love how very human you are. The one who thinks you’re at your most beautiful in the morning, who watches you discover the first signs of aging on your face and then points to their own laugh lines, reassuring you that you’ll develop the rest of them together.

This Is What We Expect From Modern Love

Keep refreshing, refreshing, refreshing. Keep looking for change and variation and new stimuli in whatever you think you’ve found, because this is modern love, and any contentment and consistency in modern love is a death wish.

Date The Person Who’s Curious About Everything

Date the person whose contagious curiosity makes you want more for yourself, more for your everyday life. More challenge, more adventure, more growth, and even more fear, because fear is not always bad. Fear makes us understand ourselves in a way that comfort never could.