Kendra Syrdal
7 Twenty-Somethings Reveal The Biggest Financial Lesson They’ve Ever Learned From Making A Mistake
“When I signed the contract for my first ‘big kid job’ it honestly never even crossed my mind that I could (or should) talk about my salary. I was just so excited about being hired that I signed as quickly as I could.”
12 Haunting Things About Heath Ledger You Didn’t Know
At the 2007 Venice Film Festival, Ledger expressed interest in directing a documentary about the English musician Nick Drake, who died of a an accidental prescription drug overdose.
Where ‘13 Reasons Why’ Went Very, Very Wrong
Here’s why Hannah Baker herself deserved a damn tape.
What It Feels Like To ‘Like’ Your Crush’s Picture On Instagram
Like an eye roll.
This Is Why They’re Still Not Over You, Based On Your Birth Order
YOUNGEST: Because your love for life is infectious, and you make everyone excited about even the most mundane things.
12 Things Only Extroverts Who Seriously Hate Everyone Will Understand
You take the idea of “no new friends” maybe a little too seriously.
A Timeline Of Existing While Being Depressed For No Reason!!!
Should I order lunch?? Do I even want lunch?
I Saw A Picture Of Myself From High School Today
And suddenly I’m hyper-aware of the four that sits in the back of my jeans instead of the zero.
When She Asks How I’m Sure I Like Her
I say things like, “Because.” And like, “Why do you need to know?” And like, “Do I have to prove it to you?”
15 Little Ways You’re Self-Sabotaging The Best Years Of Your Life
Spoiler Alert: Not taking care of yourself (physically, mentally, and everything in between) is why you feel like shit.
Too Faced Is Making A Hangover Spray And If They Don’t Sell It At Sephora I Will Burn My VIB Card
Shut up and take my money.
What To Do When They Decide You’re Not ‘The One’
Start to see the ghost of them on street corners, in crowds at concerts, even in your own elevator. Internally label yourself haunted.
YouTube Is Giving Abusers A Platform And Why Are We Not More Upset???
Why aren’t we, as consumers and members of the community, questioning that?
This Is The Top Relationship Deal Breaker For Each Birth Order
ONLY CHILD: Being uninspiring, clinginess, and boredom.
23 Signs You’re Proudly From The Midwest
You know in your soul that lakes truly are superior to the ocean.
A Series Of Men I Was Unable To Fix
The first guy who made me feel seen, but who didn’t care enough about himself to stay healthy and happy and sometimes I worry that he died before figuring himself out.
21 Little Mistakes It’s Perfectly Okay To Make In Your Twenties
Saying yes to too many things, and then having to pick and choose when you realize you’ve taken on too much.