Gemma May

Articles by
Gemma May
This Is The Kind Of Breakup You Deserve
Once a breakup becomes inevitable, both people are usually sensing it even if one person doesn’t want to admit it.
Here’s Why You’re Struggling In Relationships, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Once your partner begins to feel like you are “mothering” them, you’ll soon find your relationship hitting the rocks.
Date Someone Who Pushes You
The right partner will not want to date a doormat. Your partner will want to be with someone who pushes them, too.
10 Warning Signs You’re Dealing With A True Narcissist
They lack all empathy. In fact, they are incapable of seeing the world through other people’s eyes. They are only concerned with how other people affect them.
Forgetting Is The Hardest Part Of Moving On
I wish forgetting your place in my life was as easy for me as it has been for you. I wish walking away would’ve been my decision instead of yours.
Read This When You Don’t Feel Like You’re Enough
You are enough for good morning texts and goodnight kisses. You are enough for long conversations about life and short chats about nothing.
10 Things You Need To Know About The Aquarius In Your Life
They can be stubborn to a fault. Aquarians know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it.
Love Would Have No Meaning Without Pain
I knew I was taking a risk by falling, but I felt like he was worth it.
I Never Saw You Coming
I never saw you coming. You came into my life like a hurricane. Sudden. Unexpected. Your path was as unpredictable as the changing tides.
You Will Never Be Enough For The Wrong Heart
You will never be enough for the person who doesn’t love you. Your warmth will never thaw the heart which does not beat for you.
Facing Your Pain Is The Only Way Through It
Pain has no timeline. Be gentle with yourself and remind yourself that it will get better.