100+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers
While these aren't your usual knock-knock jokes, these funny and random trivia questions are sure to brighten your day!
The world is a strange and funny place. While these aren’t your usual knock-knock jokes, these random and funny trivia questions are sure to brighten your day! So read on; hopefully, one will put a smile on your face. Regardless, you will definitely learn something new!
Funny Trivia Questions
Trivia Question: In Florida, only on Sundays, it is illegal for a single woman to do what?
Answer: Skydive
Trivia Question: In California, you can’t legally buy a mousetrap without having what?
Answer: A hunting license
Trivia Question: It is illegal to do what in the French vineyards?
Answer: Land a flying saucer
Trivia Question: Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?
Answer: Constipation
Trivia Question: In Texas, it’s illegal to swear in front of what?
Answer: A corpse
Trivia Question: In Georgia, it’s illegal to eat what with a fork?
Answer: Fried chicken
Trivia Question: The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what?
Answer: Frozen cow dung
Trivia Question: In Minnesota, it is illegal to tease what type of animal?
Answer: Skunks
Trivia Question: How many teeth does an aardvark have?
Answer: None
Trivia Question: What was Marilyn Monroe’s natural hair color?
Answer: Red
Trivia Question: Who sang about being an “eggman” and a “walrus”?
Answer: The Beatles
Trivia Question: Which Tasmanian marsupial is known for its temper?
Answer: Tasmanian Devil
Trivia Question: Where on the human body is the zygomatic bone found?
Answer: Facial cheek
Trivia Question: It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence?
Answer: Buttons
Trivia Question: Who claimed he could “drive away the devil with a fart?”
Answer: Martin Luther
Trivia Question: In St. Louis, Missouri, it’s illegal for a firefighter to rescue who?
Answer: Undressed women (even if they are wearing a nightgown)
Trivia Question: What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion?”
Answer: Hula hoops
Trivia Question: What was Hugh Hefner’s jet plane named?
Answer: Big Bunny
Trivia Question: In June in Wyoming, it is illegal to take a picture of what?
Answer: A rabbit
Trivia Question: What Benedictine monk invented champagne?
Answer: Dom Pierre Pérignon
Trivia Question: What flavor is Cointreau?
Answer: Orange
Trivia Question: In football, who was nicknamed ‘The Divine Ponytail’?
Answer: Roberto Baggio
Trivia Question: What do you call a group of unicorns?
Answer: A blessing
Trivia Question: Where were the fortune cookies invented?
Answer: San Francisco
Trivia Question: What is banned in public places in Florida after 6 pm on a Thursday?
Answer: Farting
Trivia Question: In Swedish, what is “entrance” and “driveway,” respectively?
Answer: “Infart” and “Uppfart.”
Trivia Question: When held to ultraviolet light, what animal’s urine glows in the dark?
Answer: Cat
Trivia Question: What animal cannot stick out its tongue?
Answer: Crocodiles
Trivia Question: A kangaroo can’t hop if what?
Answer: If something lifts its tail off the ground
Trivia Question: With how many bricks is the Empire State Building made of?
Answer: 10 million
Trivia Question: According to Russian law, a homeless person must be where after 10 pm?
Answer: At home
Trivia Question: How many years old the oldest piece of chewing gum?
Answer: 9,000 years
Trivia Question: On Sunday, what is illegal to sell in Columbus, Ohio?
Answer: Cornflakes
Trivia Question: What was Walt Disney afraid of?
Answer: Mice
Trivia Question: The police officers of the Washington officers to get a half-hour class about what?
Answer: Sitting down
Trivia Question: On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times in a day?
Answer: Open the fridge
Trivia Question: What is illegal to eat with a cherry pie in Kansas?
Answer: Ice cream
Trivia Question: What ailment kills the most fruit flies?
Answer: Constipation
Trivia Question: A crossbreed between a donkey and the zebra is known as?
Answer: Zonkey
Trivia Question: At which place you can find the Andamooka?
Answer: South Australia
Trivia Question: What kind of an animal is known as a horned toad?
Answer: A lizard
Trivia Question: Where do kiwi fruits originally come from?
Answer: China
Trivia Question: Who is known as Gambrinus?
Answer: Someone who is full of beer
Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a firefly?
Answer: Beetle
Trivia Question: What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?
Answer: Peach
Trivia Question: What is strange about the reproductive system of male snakes?
Answer: They have 2 penises
Trivia Question: What is the fertilized egg of a duck called?
Answer: Balut
Trivia Question: What is the fear of long words known as?
Answer: Hippopotomostrosesquippedaliophobia
Trivia Question: What was the ice cream cone invented for?
Answer: To hold flowers
Trivia Question: What does the term ‘piano’ actually mean?
Answer: “To be played softly.”
Trivia Question: How do you tell the age of a horse?
Answer: Its teeth
Trivia Question: What are people who love eating ice called?
Answer: Pagophagiacs
Trivia Question: Who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3?
Answer: Michael Jackson
Trivia Question: What is a baby goat called?
Answer: A kid
Trivia Question: What country won the Eurovision Song Contest 2017?
Answer: Portugal
Trivia Question: What is it called when a bottle of champagne is open with a sword?
Answer: Sabering
Trivia Question: What is Bob Dylan’s real name?
Answer: Robert Zimmerman
Trivia Question: What color is the ‘black box’ in an airplane?
Answer: Orange
Trivia Question: Who said, “Champagne should be dry, cold, and free.”?
Answer: Winston Churchill
Trivia Question: Biscuit is roughly translated to mean what?
Answer: “Twice cooked.”
Trivia Question: In what country would one compete in a “wife carry race”?
Answer: Finland
Trivia Question: What sport has been played on the moon?
Answer: Golf
Trivia Question: From which language did the word “Ketchup” come?
Answer: Chinese
Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a bustard?
Answer: A bird
Trivia Question: What is the name of the vehicle that Scooby-Doo and his friends travel in?
Answer: The Mystery Machine
Trivia Question: What’s the best known artificial international language?
Answer: Esperanto
Trivia Question: What is someone who shoes horses?
Answer: A farrier
Trivia Question: How many noses does a slug have?
Answer: Four
Trivia Question: Which dinosaur had 15 horns?
Answer: Kosmoceratops
Trivia Question: What is the world record for number of hot dogs eaten in one sitting?
Answer: 74
Trivia Question: What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?
Answer: Home Alone
Trivia Question: What is a haboob?
Answer: A type of sandstorm
Trivia Question: Who is the oldest man to win People Magazine’s sexiest man alive?
Answer: Sean Connery
Trivia Question: What U.S. state’s constitution is the longest in the world?
Answer: Alabama
Trivia Question: What was the first patented service uniform in the United States?
Answer: Playboy Bunny
Trivia Question: What two cities represent letters in the phonetic alphabet?
Answer: Lima and Quebec
Trivia Question: What were clocks missing before 1577?
Answer: Minute hands
Trivia Question: What is the number one seller at Walmart?
Answer: Bananas
Trivia Question: What language has the most words?
Answer: English
Trivia Question: What is the only number spelled out in English with the same number of letters as its value?
Answer: Four
Trivia Question: What is the common name for enuresis?
Answer: Bedwetting
Trivia Question: Where was the world’s first speeding ticket issued?
Answer: England
Trivia Question: What is the longest English word with only one vowel?
Answer: Strengths
Trivia Question: Unless one is a magician, what is illegal to own as a pet in Queensland, Australia?
Answer: A rabbit
Trivia Question: What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck?
Answer: Fish
Trivia Question: How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach?
Answer: 55 miles
Trivia Question: In what month does Russia celebrate the October Revolution?
Answer: November
Trivia Question: Who lives in a trash can on ‘Sesame Street’?
Answer: Oscar
Trivia Question: Who said: “I’m the president of the United States, and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli”?
Answer: George Bush
Trivia Question: In Minnesota, it is illegal to be what in bed?
Answer: Naked
Trivia Question: What can’t a cheetah do that a tiger and a puma can do?
Answer: Retract its claws
Trivia Question: Cockroaches do what every fifteen minutes?
Answer: Fart
Trivia Question: In Denmark, what is a Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel?
Answer: A condom
Trivia Question: If one is wearing a swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for one to do?
Answer: Sing
Trivia Question: In Alaska, it’s legal to shoot bears, but illegal to do what?
Answer: Wake one up
Trivia Question: What did J. Edgar Hoover not want people walking on?
Answer: His shadow
Trivia Question: When people are frightened, their ears produce more of what?
Answer: Earwax
Trivia Question: What does the word Matrix mean in the Bible?
Answer: Womb
Trivia Question: The space between your nostrils is called a what?
Answer: A columella
Trivia Question: What is Podobromhidrosis?
Answer: Bad smelling odor from sweat
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