My Brother Disappeared Along The Oregon Coast, And I Think Whatever Took Him Is After My Whole Family
Soaked from head-to-toe, I jumped up onto my feet, stood up in the knee-deep water, and looked out to the deeper water where the blue orb, looking much bigger than it had from up on the course, rested on top of the waves about 10 yards away from me.
Jack Follman

A blue light flashed in front of my eyes, just as I started to trudge up the loose sand of the start of the bluff. Blindingly bright, I closed my eyes tight and fell to the ground within a few seconds of seeing the light.
I just laid there in the cold sand, huffing and puffing as I tried to catch my breath, waiting for whatever horrible thing which was going to happen to me to happen. But nothing. I laid there on my back, like a vulnerable turtle for a good three to four minutes, but nothing came. I saw no blue light. I heard no breathing sounds, and I felt no presence near me.
I gave it a couple more minutes before I got up and started to walk back to camp. I figured Calvin had either spiked our beers with heavy drugs at this point, I was losing my mind, or some sort of ghost or monster over on the beach had taken Roger and he was already fucked.
I also have to admit I felt pretty horrible about shooting those bottle rockets at Calvin and Roger now. The guilt put even me on the verge of tears when I walked back to the camp.