Isabella Housel

A girl obsessed with words trying to navigate through the world.
Articles by
Isabella Housel
A Message Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear This Scorpio Season
Libra: Travel outside of your routine.
A Love Letter To The Ones Who Feel They’re Never Enough
You are beautiful in every sense of the word, even in the ways you don’t feel like it.
I Hope You Know That You Will Find Yourself Again
I hope you know that you can love again, and I hope you know that you deserve good love.
A Spotify Playlist To Help You Heal
This a playlist to help you heal. This is a playlist to help you collect your broken pieces and simply make them a part of you.
The Spiritual Mantra That Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Hear Right Now
Aquarius: “I will move on from the feelings, events, and places that are still holding me back. I will release tension, and find full support.”
5 Excuses People Give When They Simply Don’t Want A Relationship
You make time for the things and the people that you love. It’s just a fact that if you want something or want to be around someone, you will make time for them.
I’m Allowed To Miss You Even If We Aren’t Together
You have taught me that just because you love someone, sometimes it isn’t enough. You have also taught me that even if you aren’t here, I will still miss you.
I’m Ready To Leave Behind The Love That Broke Me
I’m ready to find love that is whole, and safe, and the kind that is meant for me.
Sometimes You Have To Grieve The Loss Of Your Past Self
I hope that in doing this, you will find that it’s okay to look back with regret, and it’s okay if things didn’t make you stronger. I hope that you will find that it’s just as important to carry the loss of ourselves as it is the loss of others.
A Spotify Playlist For When You Just Need To Feel The Things You’re Avoiding
This is the playlist for when you just need to feel.
To The Man I’m Falling In Love With: Here’s What You Need To Know About My Anxiety
No, my anxiety isn’t my identity, but it changes the way that I date. It changes the way that I function.
The New Year’s Resolution Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Make For 2020
VIRGO: Simplify your life.
At The End Of The Day, You Have To Come Home To Yourself
You have to make yourself a home that you’re welcome in.
Moving On Without Closure Is A Bitch
In little or no words, he took the expectations I had of the rest of my life and buried it under poor explanations and unclear decisions.
I’m Coming To Terms With The Fact That You Aren’t Coming Back
No matter how I rephrase the story or try to think of the variables, I know that that was the end for us. There isn’t going to be another chance, another time together, or another us. There is no going back, only moving forward.
I Hope You Know How Brave You Are
I hope you know that you have been so brave.
The Reality Is That Some Relationships End, But That Doesn’t Mean You Failed
Life is way too short and way too valuable for you to spend your time in the company of individuals who make you unhappy or cease to recognize your role in their life.
I Couldn’t Force Forever On A Temporary Love
Truthfully, there is nothing I could have done to convince you to stay with me.