Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

16 Signs That Your Love Is Real

When they’re upset, so are you. You’ve actually cried tears over something that didn’t involve you at all, because you hated that they were going through pain. You hated seeing them like that.

The Strongest Men Treat Women With Respect

Strong men are the ones that refuse to play games, because they believe in honesty. The ones that hate the thought of letting a good girl get away, so they put in as much effort as they can to show her that she matters, that she means something to him.

13 Signs That He Isn’t Worth Your Effort

He doesn’t appreciate anything that you do for him. You send him good morning texts? He doesn’t respond for hours. You pick up his favorite fast food on your way to his house? He doesn’t even say thank you. He takes everything you do for granted.