Charlie Elliot

Articles by
Charlie Elliot
13 People Reveal The Most INSANE Thing Their Ex Has Ever Done
The next morning I left my apartment to get coffee and there was a giant human turd on my porch with a note that said, “you shit on my heart so I shit on your porch. Fuck you.”
13 Reasons Women Don’t Date Nice Guys
The only guy who would label himself a nice guy is one who is reflecting on an excuse about why he doesn’t get the things he wants.
19 Foreigners On The One Thing About Americans They Just Don’t Get
“If you say you’re from Italy they go ‘Oh, I love pasta!’ What does that have to do with anything? Just because I’m from Italy doesn’t actually mean I’m sitting around eating pasta all day.”
16 Things That Happen When Your Best Friend Lives In A Different Time Zone
You are constantly counting on your fingers to figure out what time it is for them and what they’re doing.
12 Problems Only Pisces Girls Understand
8. We disappear on people sometimes. It sucks but that’s what happens when we feel like we need to recharge for awhile. Often after we’ve been particularly hurt or are feeling exhausted from a situation we need time to just be on our own, make sense of what happened, and take care of ourselves in our own way.
11 Things Guys Can Do To Make A Girl Fall Instantly
He said that he really liked me, and wanted to save something for later, not have all of me at once.
11 Men Reveal The Creepiest Woman They’ve Ever Encountered
She waited for me outside in her car, took a picture of me when I left the restaurant over an hour later, and quickly drove off.
19 People Reveal The One Incredibly Creepy Thing They Do When No One’s Looking
I swear it’s the moms I’m looking at, not children.
13 Creeped Out Travelers Explain The One Couchsurfing Host That Left Them Crawling In Their Skin
There was blood everywhere and butcher tools on the side. He had put the eyes left over from the corpses on his shelf just aimed at the door.
19 People Share The Most Terrifying Experience Of Their Lives That Should Have Left Them Dead
She put her hand on my belly and said “What’s the matter dear, having a little miscarriage today are we?”
19 Tinder Users Describe Their Best And Worst Hookup Stories
Over the course of the next 2 hours I received over 80 texts, about 10 calls and a couple VMs, all of her crying and saying I need to move in with her and her dad because she’s suicidal and I needed to take care of her.
13 Men Describe The Most Appealing Thing A Woman Can Wear On A First Date
If she dressed to be the hot femme fatale, then I’ll probably see her as a sexual and not a romantic partner.
41 People Share The Worst Thing Ever Revealed On A First Date
Mid makeout the words slip from his lips as his arms are wrapped around my body holding me to him. “I want to slice you open and feel the warmth of your insides, God you would look so hot disemboweled.”