Becca Martin
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To My Best Friend Suffering Through Depression Right Now, Please Hang In There
You don’t owe anyone an explanation for being who you are. Some people will never understand depression; they will never understand how you can go from being completely fine to feeling so empty. They will tell you to ‘cheer up’ and to ‘get over it,’ but I know it’s a lot more complicated than that.
I Thought The Creepy Clowns Were Just A Marketing Conspiracy, Until I Got Chased Down By One In The Middle Of Nowhere
I thought I was safe now, that there’d be no way he could catch me, not on foot. But I wasn’t safe.
10 Things To Focus On When Life Feels Like It’s Pouring Down On You
How we react to hard times shows a lot about who we are as a person. We can sit and sulk over what happened, we can cry, look for sympathy, act like things are never going to improve or we can get up and do something about it.
13 Men On The One Major Thing That Attracted Them To Their Current Girlfriend
“Her laugh. I heard her laugh and I knew I wanted to hear that for the rest of my life.”
12 Things No One Understands About Working In The Food Industry
Nothing makes me happier than happy customers who just like to chat and be friendly. Those are the customers I want to keep checking in on and going back to because they’re kind. Kindness is everything in life folks and guess what? It’s free!
This Is For The Women Who Wake Up With Determination
This is for you – for always giving your all to life, for letting it break you from time to time because you are only human, after all. But never letting to keep you down, to finding the strength you have within you to get back up and come back stronger.
Here Is My Advice To You In This Beautiful Mess We Call Life
Believe in miracles, spread love, surround yourself with good vibes and never, ever settle. Good things take time, so be patient. And if everything feels like it’s going wrong – breathe, it will work out.
I Can’t Wait Until I Meet The Person Who Makes It All Make Sense
I won’t settle because the only thing worse than being single in my opinion is settling for a half-hearted love you don’t really want to be in.
How You Love Based On Your Zodiac Sign (And What It Means For Love In 2017)
Aquarius: Your feelings are about to get deeper than you thought was possible.
I Can’t Wait To Meet Someone Who Feels Like Home
You’ll be the one person I never even knew I was looking for, you’ll be the one who helps me plant some roots because where ever you are is where I want to be.
10 Ways Extroverted Introverts Love Differently
If you spend a lot of time with someone that person should feel lucky because they truly matter to you if you’re willing to keep make an effort on the relationship.
Love Like A Child With All Your Heart
You don’t know the pain the world can cause you because you still have stars in your eyes and hope that the world is inherently a good place. Don’t lose that.
You Need Friends Who Believe In You When You Don’t Believe In Yourself
You need friends who will push you out of your comfort zone, encourage you to do more because they know what you’re capable of – even if you hate them for it at the time.
After Losing You She Let Herself Go
She finally let herself go and discovered all she’s capable of. She’s enough and she knows that now. She can see the light radiating off of her that you tried so hard to dim.
12 Foolproof Signs Your Relationship Has Hit A Dead End (And You Need To Accept It)
You no longer look at them with a passion burning in your eyes, instead your skeptical, you aren’t sure you can trust them and you aren’t sure what to think. You’re torn about a lot and it’s tearing you apart.
When Is It Time To Walk Away From The Person You Envisioned Forever With?
Your relationship is at a dead end now and there’s no more road ahead. It’s not healthy for either of you. You fight more than you’re happy. You’re not the same people you first were when you started dating, things change and one of you grows more than the other.
I’m Done With Love And I’m Done Acting Like I’m Sorry About It
Worrying about finding love is a complete waste of time in my opinion. I’m over trying to figure out how to please someone who doesn’t give me any feedback because he’s too concerned with playing hard to get.
10 Things To Expect When You Love An Extroverted Introvert
First and foremost, if you’re in an extroverted introverts life it’s because you matter to them, a lot. They will make the extra effort and go the extra mile just to make you happy.