Becca Martin
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13 Stupidly Simple Questions To Figure Out If You’ve Found Your Forever Person
Finding your forever person doesn’t mean you’ve found someone who is perfect and fits into some cookie cutter shape the Internet has decided on; it simply means you’ve found someone who is perfect for you in every imperfect way.
The Truth About Why He Won’t Love You Back
You have so much love in your heart that you want to give and share, so much love that makes your soul ache and your stomach fill with butterflies. You have so much to offer, but you decided to love someone who wasn’t ready to receive your love and give it back.
Keep Your Head High When The Earth Feels Like It’s Crumbling Beneath Your Feet
You are so bright and you are so strong, you are capable of so much. Don’t let these moments of weakness steal away who you are.
I Could Never Hate You Despite The Torture You Put Me Through (But It’s Time For Me To Walk Away)
I can’t be okay with someone who is only half invested in me, someone who makes me disgustingly happy but leaves me hanging out to dry most of the time.
12 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Fight To Keep Him
He can say he will stop or won’t do it again, but saying and doing are two completely different things.
You Deserve Better Than Him (And I Think Deep Down You Know That)
I know you love him with all your heart and he loves you, too. The only difference is all the love in his heart still isn’t enough. He is giving you all the love he has, but you can still do better.
100 Extremely Important Questions To Ask Yourself To Live Your Happiest And Healthiest Life
Am I clinging to the future in hopes it will be better?
16 Things You Should Still Do For Your Girlfriend Even After You’ve Been Dating For A While
Tell her you love her, but also show her.
I Can’t Get You Off My Mind, But You Can’t Even Text Me Back
I wanted there to be chemistry, I wanted there to be a connection between us and I wanted to believe that you’re the one for me, but it’s obvious you’re not. I wanted it so bad I kept trying to create something out of nothing.
22 Revolting Signs That You’ve Definitely Found Your Forever Person
You ask them to check if there are any “bats in the cave.”
12 Little (But Important) Signs That Prove You’ve Found Your Forever Person
You’ll each take turns surprising each other with little treats and finding reasons to celebrate each other.
What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your Favorite Type Of Chocolate
Mint chocolate: You are a sensitive and caring girlfriend, even if most don’t see that side of you.
I Saw A Picture Of You Today And I Felt Nothing
I said nothing, I felt nothing and I just kept scrolling. I just went on with my day like I’ve done for all these years without you. I remember who you used to be when you loved me, but I have no idea who you are anymore.
15 Things You Absolutely Must Do In Order To Maintain A Healthy Relationship
Admit when you’re wrong. Don’t let your pride get in the way of your relationship; the best thing to do is pick your battles because some just aren’t worth arguing over.
10 Signs You’re Letting Your Relationship Fall Through The Cracks (And How To Pull It Back)
It doesn’t take much, but a little effort can make a huge difference.
Read This When He Leaves You And There’s Nothing You Can Do
You’ll always remember him, but maybe you’ll forget what his kiss felt like or what his deodorant smelled like. Maybe you will forget the little things, but you probably won’t ever forget him completely and that’s okay.
It’s Time To Break The Stigma Of Mental Health In Student Athletes
You can’t see depression like you can see a broken arm. You can’t touch anxiety like you can touch a sprained ankle. You can’t see mental illness so we pretend it isn’t there, we pretend that for a few hours a day that it isn’t there, but it is. It’s there and it’s real.
This Is What Triggers Your Anxiety, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius – You try to do too much at once, you need to slow down and relax. Sometimes things won’t go your way, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or isn’t going to work out.