9 Obnoxious Things That Only Insecure Couples Do On Social Media
“I think most of us can agree that these things are terrible.”
50 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Kill Yourself
Breakdowns eventually pave way to breakthroughs.
10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Girl With A Guy Best Friend
The myth that ‘guy BFF’s have less drama in a friendship’. That’s not true. Guys can get mood swings and jealous and hormonal. They can backbite about with the guys and can ditch you in heartbeat if they wanted too. But the point is, if your friendship is strong enough you’ll be able to withstand all the drama.
How Having An Emotionally Absent Father Still Affects Me Today
My father was not nor is he now, a monster. He was however, with me, extremely cold and emotionally unavailable.
The 10 Golden Rules Of Sugar Dating (From A Real Life Sugar Baby)
Months into dating the “normal” way, you might start to get comfortable and put less effort into how you dress or behave, but a sugar baby can never slack off.
This Is How You Can Steal *Anything*
Sometimes you’re in a situation where you need to steal something.
15 Quotes About Love That Will Make You Realize All The Drama Is Worth It
“They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix.”
I Found A Box Containing The Story Of A 19-Year-Old Girl Who Killed A Random Person For No Reason
I typed up the entire story because I seriously need to share this.
Green Card Marriage: I Paid A Man To Marry Me For US Citizenship
“If we failed the notoriously grueling marriage interview, I would be deported and my fake husband would be imprisoned for at least two years.”
10 Important Things Every Older Sibling Is Responsible For
These are the many things I’ve learned while being the oldest of seven.
What Is The Statistical Chance Of Finding The Love Of My Life?
I’m starting to get desperate.
Confessions Of A Woman Who Only Chases After US Navy SEALs (Or, Confessions Of A ‘Frog Hog’)
Thoughts from a woman who has slept with 20+ Navy SEALs.
20 Exotic Qualities About Greek Women That Tell You Everything You Need To Know
Our Daddy is our real-life Hercules.
12 Steps For Getting Over A Devastating Breakup
We had it all figured out. We had a plan. We were going to get a dog.
4 Reasons Why Guys Won’t Commit From A Guy’s Perspective
Guys, sorry, but one of us has to put an end all these articles assuming on why we are incapable of having a committed relationship. I have done my fair research and have stumbled across endless reasons on why us guys won’t take it to the next level with girls. Most of these write-ups have been done by the female gender, and most of them have some good points, but in this letter I will let all you ladies in on what really goes on in our brains.
10 Things You Can Do To Make Any Ex Jealous
The silent treatment has been around since the creation of time, and for good reason. No, you should not answer that creepy 2am “I miss you babe text.” I’m awake during the day too asshole.
10 Harsh Truths Only The Daughter Of An Alcoholic Could Understand
You’re the adult here — you’ve been so for awhile. You’ve come to terms with the fact that it’s you who will be tucking your dad in at night, and not the other way around.
I Already Knew My Boyfriend Was A Sex Addict, But Nothing Could Have Prepared Me For What I Discovered Today
It felt like someone had pulled my heart up through my throat and smashed it right in front of me.