16 Reasons You Should Date A Guy Who Grew Up With All Sisters

He doesn’t assume you’ll be full after two spoonfuls of food. On the contrary, he’s probably seen each of his sisters individually throw back half a pizza without breaking a sweat.
He doesn’t assume you’ll be full after two spoonfuls of food. On the contrary, he’s probably seen each of his sisters individually throw back half a pizza without breaking a sweat.
Consciously or unconsciously creating a timeline that your relationship milestones must follow, based on the way that other people’s relationships have moved along.
The idea that “all you need is love” is a colossal trap that will doom your marriage from the start. I know.
Meeting someone and knowing immediately in your gut that you’re going to be friends.
The way we end our relationships with people says a lot about who we are because our character goes under test when we are not at our best, when we are doubtful, confused, or hurt.
“She had mandatory cuddle time with each of the kids. They would lay on the couch, and she would spoon them, in the quiet, for about 30 minutes each.”
“Standing in my living room, looking out the window, and I see a nuclear bomb go off near the horizon.”
I know you wish you could have a broken neck instead of a broken heart. But, if everyone in the world died from broken hearts, no one would be left to tell their story. No one would be left in the world at all.
Gummy Bears: You’re ridiculously fun, and people just love to have you around. You’re positive, bright, and optimistic. You’re attracted to other people with the same enthusiasm, but also spread yours, and love to share your good energy with everyone else.
Tired of Netflix-and-Chilling with your partner? Here are twenty other date night and day options to bring you two closer together and getting you out of your rut.
Thank you for good morning gifts, handwritten letters and memories I will forever keep in my pocket. So, for that one moment when I play them back, I can feel safe again. And I can feel ok once more.
“Usually, when a guy says, ‘I’m a nice guy,’ that’s code for ‘I’m not a nice guy.’”
I want us to know each other first before we let the world know about us. Because as much as I want to show you off to the world, I have noticed lately, that the world has a way of taking beautiful things and turning them ugly.