The 50 Types of Friends You Will Have In Your Lifetime
The Therapist.
The Therapist.
Property of San Quentin State Prison.
I’m not naive enough to believe that you’d be proud of all my choices, but I know that you saved my life with your careful (and sometimes intense) warnings.
I think it’s the eating dinner alone thing.
Do not fret about who loves who more. Love is not a game or a competition. If you think of it that way, you probably won’t be in love for very long.
1. I know you lie. Cause your lips are moving. Tell me do you think I’m dumb?
Finding your purpose is up to you, and that’s why it’s terrifying.
The number one first-date killer? You’re in for a shock.
“…He was stuck in his brain, and couldn’t find the way out of his mental hell.”
But we avoid feeling anything because we have more or less been taught that our feelings have lives of their own. That they’ll carry on forever if we give them even a moment of our awareness.
Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
“Wear a blanket constantly.”
Be pretty, but not too pretty. Be beautiful and ageless, but don’t alter your face or your body too much. Be enough of everything, but not too much of anything.
When my headaches were at their worst, I was also drinking an average of two Starbucks venti sweetened iced coffees a day, one in the AM and one around 4 PM.
At the worst times, it felt like a morbid circus running amok in my mind that I just couldn’t seem to find the exit to.
If there’s such a thing as dating karma, using the “I’m not looking for a relationship right now” excuse is pretty much like handing the gods an engraved invitation to screw you over in the future.
Looking back, what was even worse than you hurting me was me letting you do it.
“Wait. You haven’t seen Memento?? How can you even call yourself a film major?”