Joel Farrelly

Articles by
Joel Farrelly
I’m Finally Ready To Confess What Happened To Me The Summer Of 1994 At ‘The Covington House’
In retrospect, it may seem quite obvious that whatever was out there had been doing something to keep my grandparents asleep that night. And if it could do that, who knows what else it was capable of.
There’s Something Hiding In The Elementary School Behind My House
It took me a full three seconds of looking at that window before I spotted the thing now staring back at me.
Last Week My Family Was Visited By ‘The Gray Man’ And I Need To Warn You What He’s Really After
Though, the Pawleys Island Gray Man is considered to be a generally benevolent being, my theory is that there are actually many Gray Men out there…
I Inherited A Haunted Puppet From A Russian Stranger And What’s Been Happening Since Will Give You Nightmares
I’m Finally Ready To Tell You About The Most Gruesome ‘On The Job’ Stories Anyone’s Ever Told Me
Here are three terrifying first-hand accounts from people with mundane jobs that I CAN legally tell you about.
I Got To Read The Script For Stanley Kubrick’s Lost Film And I Wish I’d Never Laid Eyes On It
This figure is something between man and predatory fish. There is a note scribbled in the margin here that reads: Imagine a merman with no arms and a mouth like a garfish and a big, weird-looking dick. This is the Pelagic Man.
I Found The Footage From My First And Last Session With A Hypnotherapist, And What It Revealed Will Haunt Me For Years
For someone who has spent over a decade honing their lucid dreaming skills, suddenly not being able to remember a nightmare can be even more disturbing than the nightmare itself.
A Convicted Murderer Just Sent Me A Link To A Secret Recording, And What’s In The Video Is Truly Horrifying
The lawyer they gave me asked if there was anyone I wanted to call and handed me his smartphone. I figured you were my best bet. They’re clever bastards but not clever enough to know that I record all of my streams onto a redundant server. I’ve attached a link to download a video from my Dropbox. The folder is labeled “Insurance.” Watch it. Tell me if you still think I’m crazy.
If You Think The Devil Is The Most Evil Thing You Can Face, Think Again
“See, to displace one evil act, you have to help facilitate another. Which is where I come in. I am your facilitator. For the next thirty-four minutes that you would’ve spent here, you’re instead going to do everything I tell you. Deal?”
I Responded To A Thought Catalog Fan Email And I’m Terrified He’s Never Going To Let Me Go
I need you to call the cops and see if they can like trace the IP on my email or something and obviously please don’t post this…
There’s Something Demonic Going On In A Town Called Clear Lake, And We’re Going To Get To The Bottom Of It
“So, the transient is a decoy and the house…”
“Is a trap, yes.”
Mikey thought this over for a moment and shrugged. “Then f*ck it. Let’s go get trapped.”
There’s A Town Called Clear Lake Where Everyone Disappeared, And I’m Going To Find Out Why
The crevice in front of him began to widen until he could see into it and he realized the opening was emitting a faint red light, almost pink. Squinting into the light, he could just barely make out the shape of something…
I Met the Owner of America’s Largest Private Collection of Haunted Objects, And Now My Life Will Never Be The Same
I couldn’t help but scoff. “You saying you’re a Ghostbuster?”
“That’s putting a bit too fine of a point on it for my liking. Plus, I think the title might be taken.”
This Is The Story Of My Grandfather And How He Came To Tell Me His Deepest Secret
“When you die, your soul is mine.”
I Received An Email From An Anonymous Address And Now, I’m Afraid To Go To Sleep
For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.
There’s A Building In New Orleans Where A Scientist Conducted Experiments For The CIA In The 1940s, So I Checked It Out
So a couple of years back, a bunch of top secret files became declassified thanks to the Freedom of Information Act and according to one of these files, the government had secretly converted the Control Center into a CIA research facility shortly after it was officially decommissioned in 1965.
There’s A Shack Called ‘The Devil’s Toy Box’ In Louisiana And People Who Go In There Supposedly Lose Their Minds
According to the legend, if you stood inside this mirror-room alone for too long, supposedly the devil would show up and steal your soul.
You’ll Never Want To Work As A Phone Sex Operator After Reading This Story
If there are certain parts of this story that you find difficult to read, know that they were just as difficult for me to write.