Brenda Della Casa

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Articles by
Brenda Della Casa
Five Habits Of Happy, Healthy Women
These are the women who are singing their favorite tune (often loudly) on their way to work and sipping their coffee while looking out of the window and enjoying the rays of the sun or falling snowflakes.
15 Things To Remember In Your ‘Roaring’ Twenties
Never chase anyone. Ever. People who want to be in your life will show up. Those who deserve to be in it will act right while there. Pretty simple.
20 Signs Your Partner Isn’t As Serious About Your Relationship As You Are
You want it to work, you really do. You swear things between you two would be amazing if only he would stop doing this and start doing that instead.
60 Painfully Obvious Signs The Man You’re Dating Is A Total Douchebag
Read on for true encounters so shocking, you might feel compelled to take a shower…in bleach.
8 Things Weak People Do That Drive Successful, Alpha Women Crazy
Crazy, as in, up-the-wall.
25 Really Awful Things Shady Guys Do That Tell You It’s Time To Break Up For Good
Let’s face it; chemistry, attraction, hope and passion can make the most logical ladies go a little loco. Here, we list 25 signs it’s time to move past “Go” and fly solo.
15 Things All Badass, Fearless Alpha-Women Do Differently From Other Types Of Women
Call them bold, fearless, or powerful, these are women who light up a room with their magnetic energy. They intimidate the close-minded and inspire those who have long hungered for tangible proof that they, too, will serve themselves well by igniting their passions and relishing in their independence.
8 ‘Really Weird’ Things Women Do That Are Actually Perfectly Normal
Weird, prude, old-fashioned. I’ve been called all of the above and more than once.
25 Relatively Unknown Ways You Can Impress A Woman (Guaranteed!)
Ladies, don’t let the title fool you; we are not off the hook.
5 Things All Smart, Independent Women Should Be Asking Themselves Every Day
Forget the horoscopes, the fortune-tellers and even the long-winded wine-down’s with friends; the real answers to your life’s most difficult questions are easier to obtain than you might think.
16 Signs You’re Dating A ‘Real’ Man
I love Rhett Butler. No, not Gerard. Rhett.
Don’t Marry Your Man If He Lacks These 4 Traits
If you’re tired of collecting frequent flyer miles to the purgatory between stay and go, you’re in luck. Read on for four non-negotiables that are often overlooked, but that I’ve learned to hold on tightly to.