…And Then There’s The Girls Who Drink Whiskey

Her tastes are specific and have more to have more to do with the way he walks, the way he talks, the way he watches her.
Her tastes are specific and have more to have more to do with the way he walks, the way he talks, the way he watches her.
Going out to dinner or to the movies is fine, but if you want to make a lasting impression, then it’s time to get creative.
Their handwriting. When they remember things about you that you only mentioned once. Their unique scent.
He’s sooooo sweet and sooooo emotional and sooooo willing to bend-over-backwards for you. He’s the perfect guy, right? No, he’s a little bitch and you need to dispose of him immediately before the power dynamic becomes so off-kilter you’re practically begging him to dump you.
Toxic friends can be difficult to identify if you are in too deep in a friendship. I spent years and years forgiving and “forgetting.” There is only so much one person can handle.
Hate yourself for still caring about the person you aren’t supposed to care about anymore. Shame yourself until you’re completely suppressing everything you feel.
I ummmmed and ahhhhed for ages about whether I really wanted to send it, and cringed as I did.
Weird, prude, old-fashioned. I’ve been called all of the above and more than once.
If you’re not a victim of filicide, permanently mangled or otherwise beyond repair, then your parents did better by you than these 12 scumbags.
Due to inconsistent fitness habits and a love for buffets, my body has fluctuated in recent months. One week there’s abs, another there’s just mushiness.
You should give the sarcastic girl a break because in between all of the eye rolls and standup-worthy one-liners, she really loves you; she’s just trying to figure out how.
Facebook should just have a relationship status that says “Ruined.”
He calls his ex-girlfriends crazy.
I loved it so much that I started doing it everywhere I went (which was limited, because cancer).
It was obvious, from the start, that my poetic, writer-of-a-future-wife had placed notes for me.
Sex should feel fun, free, real and raw. But, there are those who feel pressured to act and look in a certain way. Either that, or they really let their crass and crazy out.
So, where do we draw the line between normal sibling rivalry and abusive relationships between siblings?