Creepy History: 25 Facts About Manson Family Victim Sharon Tate

Sharon’s dream was to be an American Catherine Deneuve. “She plays beautiful, sensitive, deep parts with a little bit of intelligence behind them,” she said.
10 Differences Between Dating American And European Men

American men are more casual and will show up wearing anything ranging from their favorite band’s tee-shirt from 1999 or a pair of loose jeans and a polo.
Why It Sucks So Hard When Someone Doesn’t Text Back

It’s an emptiness that creates discomfort. It lets us seep in our loneliness. It’s this great chasm, this void we’re trying to fill and we don’t even know what with.
14 Charming Things Girls Do That Guys Can’t Get Enough Of

There’s literally nothing better than someone complimenting our shirt or our watch so that we can say, “Thanks, my girlfriend got it for me.” NOTHING. IT’S THE BEST FEELING.
15 Supportive Things Every Good Man Does In A Relationship

I think a big part of the problem blurring this line is that many people aren’t even quite sure what a healthy relationship looks like these days or how a ‘good man’ (or woman) should act towards their partner.
7 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Become A Pacifist
19 Super-Creepy Brushes With The Paranormal

“It’s a baby doll being dragged by slowly by a string. He got out of there fast as he could.”
12 Easy-To-Miss Signs A Shy Person Has A Crush On You
19 Classic Weird Kids From Your Middle School And Who They Are Now

The kid who: organized M.A.S.H rounds and knew everyone’s crushes, so they set it up so that M.A.S.H was as embarrassing as possible.
Is now the adult who: holds Bachelor viewing parties at their house.
19 Signs You’re In A Marshall And Lily Relationship
17 Dating Habits Of An Extremely Independent Woman

She’s not looking for a man to sweep in and save her. She’s just looking for someone who’s going to balance her out, stand as her equal, and allow her to share the life she’s built up for herself.
8 Reasons Your First Love Will Always Be Your Last (No Matter How Many Relationships You Have)

The longer we ride the train of time, the more people we encounter and the more romantic partners we acquire. But there’s something inexplicably enticing yet simultaneously comforting about our first real love.
12 Things Every Girl Needs In Her Closet
10 Bartenders Reveal How They Can Tell You’re Easy

Read on for what these 10 bartenders had to say about the things you’re doing that are making you look easy – from the drinks you order to the shoes you’re sporting.
50 Wise & Wicked Quotes About Revenge

They say the best revenge is living well. I say it’s acid in the face—who will love them now? —Mindy Kaling
17 Early Signs That Your Relationship Is Off To The Right Start

You feel instantly calm around them. It doesn’t mean you can’t simultaneously feel excited or happy or giddy or aroused or inspired. But beneath all of those feelings is a strong sense of peace, safety, and serenity.
33 Chilling Facts You Didn’t Know About Robert Durst Until Now

Before Kathie’s disappeared, “she had told me that Bobby was taking Primal Scream Therapy, and he growled. I never heard him do it, but Kathie would say to me when she was on the phone, ‘He’s doing it now, can you hear him? He’s growling now.’”