The Ways We Drift Apart From The People Who Once Knew Us Best
I’d like to think that when you love someone that love has the power to last forever but if that were true, then why do we let it fade?
I’d like to think that when you love someone that love has the power to last forever but if that were true, then why do we let it fade?
Their lives are complicated and specific and different than everyone else’s so often times their advice on your problems can be in stark contrast to other friends.
For the past couple of years, I have worked some pretty shady and highly illegal jobs. I am not a drug dealer, human trafficker, and in no way do I physically harm anyone else, all I do is clean.
Because I’m going to miss you. Because you’re going to pop into my mind on a rainy Sunday evening when Bon Iver is humming in the background and I’ve poured myself a tall glass of wine and a whiff of your old cologne catches me suddenly off guard – lingering in the apartment like an unwanted house guest who was never invited to stay.
In the beginning, you’re slowly but surely falling in love with their perfume or their cologne or whatever they use for their signature scent. Three years later, you’re just trying to learn to deal with the smell of their farts.
The complicated thing about abusive relationships is they aren’t black and white.
Rediscovering a favorite song and binge listening to it while you feel super nostalgic about your past.
Found on AskReddit. 1. “At some point, sex became a chore for her.” At some point, sex became a chore for her.
He called me crazy, threatened to “show me what he could do” if he ever saw me in person, and laughed off any semblance of my being offended.
It’s not that we consider the person sending the text unimportant, we just don’t think the actual act of texting is a priority.
We’re all stressed. We have stressful jobs, stressful relationships, stressful bills, commutes, loans, expectations for ourselves and others.