17 Ways To Successfully Flirt On An Airplane

Get up to go to the bathroom a lot and take the opportunity to lean on your new friend. It’s like a really inconvenient lap dance.
This News Crew Went To Report On A ‘Haunting’ And Got More Than They Bargained For

“FOX43, a local news station in Central Pennsylvania, recently went inside a home in Hanover, York County. This home however, is different from others on the block. The homeowners say their house is severely haunted, with multiple ghosts and other entities.”
45 Reasons You Should Date A Guy With A Beard
Here’s A Timeline Of What Happens When A Person Who Normally Hates Going Out Decides To Go Out
The Four Types of Love You Deserve

Each level of love will vary. Some will be true, everlasting. Some will be found in the most innocent forms. Some will destroy you.
Here’s The Real Reason Why Women’s Menstrual Cycles Sync Up

For one week every month, we shed our uterus lining. In more scientific terms, it means we swallow ice cream pints whole, hate on Blue Ivy, and temporarily decide that we find Josh Groban attractive.
11 Movies That Have Ruined Your Expectations For Love
30 Quotes, Quips, And Song Lyrics To Remind You Why You Moved To New York City
14 Signs You’re In A Jim-And-Pam Relationship

You two understand each other so well that you don’t even have to say things out loud to know what you’re each thinking.
14 Times Movies 100% Understood High School

When “Mean Girls” perfectly summed up what it’s like trying to talk to your crush, and we all cringed.
The 10 Commandments of Travel Hook-Ups
12 Male Dating Habits 20-Something Women Always Assume They Can Tolerate (That Eventually Destroy The Relationship)
A Letter To My Best Friend On The One Year Anniversary Of Her Death

I miss you. I wish that was enough to accurately describe how I feel, but it doesn’t, not even close.
10 Things My Ex Said That Made Me Realize He Wasn’t The One
When You Know It’s Not The Right Relationship For You (But You Don’t Know How To Leave)
17 Struggles Of Being The Blunt Person In Your Friend Group

You’re always forced to go shopping. Even if you hate it. Because you’re the only one who will tell your friend that the pants she picked out look like someone vomited mustard.
8 Signs That Tell You You’re In Lust, Not Love

Know the difference. Love, lust: it’s easy to confuse the two, especially in the early stages of a relationship.