Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

This Is Why I’m Scared To Date You

I’m scared to date you because guys call girls like me ‘non-chill’ or worse ‘needy’ because we love a little harder, we fall a little faster and we don’t care about how long it’s been because our hearts don’t really comprehend time.

This Is How Relationships End

They end when you’re scared to show them how much you need them or how you can’t imagine your life without them. They end when the ego replaces the heart.

10 Ways You’re Blocking Love From Your Life (Without Even Noticing That You Are)

You think everyone is like your ex. You think everyone is going to treat you the way your ex treated you or they will eventually turn out to be the same person. This mentality subconsciously stops you from giving someone a fair chance because in the back of your mind, you think that it’s only a matter of time before they break your heart.

Maybe Your Journey Is Not About Finding Love, Maybe It’s Bigger Than That

Maybe it’s not about attachment, maybe it’s about letting go. Maybe it’s not about finding someone to love but letting go of all the ones you loved before. Maybe it’s about redefining love and what it means to you or maybe it’s about letting go of all the remains of your heartbreak so you can love with all your heart again.

10 Signs Your Parents Are The Reason Why You’re Still Single

They are pessimistic about love. They don’t believe in it, they think it doesn’t exist, they think it all fades away or maybe they stopped believing in romance, they feed you negative messages about relationships and it becomes difficult for you to get these messages out of your head when you’re dating someone.