Tatiana Pérez

Articles by
Tatiana Pérez
For All The Girls Who Feel Invisible
Fuck any man who sees only the contour of your person. Fuck any man who—in passing—makes you feel like you barely exist. You exist. You’re solid, you’re whole, and I see you.
22 ‘Lemonade’ Lyrics That Prove Beyoncé Is The Baddest Bitch In The Game
“Middle fingers up, put them hands high / Wave it in his face, tell him, boy, bye”
22 College Seniors On The One Piece Of Sex Advice They Wish They Could Tell Their Freshman Selves
“Your orgasm is just as important as important as his.”
29 Types Of Asshole Students Everyone Hates
The personal anecdote MONSTER. Like no, Daniel, I do NOT care about a weird conversation you had with your grandpa about your dad and neither does literally a single soul here.
20 Reasons Why Single Girls Are The Happiest People To Be Around
Single you is the realest you. It’s you untangled by someone’s else’s vision of you.
15 Women On The One Personality Trait That Makes A Guy Totally Irresistible
“Someone who’s in touch with his feminine side. And doesn’t act like he’s never seen period blood.”
I Only Ever Miss You When I’m Lonely
Late at night and in the morning, when I wish your body was close to mine.
50 One-Sentence Reminders Everyone Going Through A Breakup Needs To Hear Right Now
It is all too easy to remember relationships as romantic illusions of what they actually were.
Why The Worst Breakups Are The Best For Moving On
You have this lovely, romantic idea of what a “good” breakup might look like. You’d wish each other the best after having beautifully tragic breakup sex. It’d be fucking poetic.
13 Unexpectedly Awesome Parts About Bad Breakups
You WILL be up in the gym. You WILL kill it at school/work. Because ain’t no man gonna ruin you.
13 Women Confess The Craziest Mid-Breakup Move They’ve Ever Pulled
“I told him he’d find his belongings scattered all over Midtown…”
13 Women Share Their Biggest Sexual Regret (So You Don’t Have To Make The Same Mistakes)
“I didn’t sleep around enough while I was still single…”
17 Terrifying Humans Everyone Who Goes To The Gym Has Met At Least Once
That nosy motherf*cker who obsessively peeks at your treadmill speed. Hope you feel like a baller running at exactly .1mph faster than me, bro!
13 Epically Petty Ways To Excommunicate Someone In 2016
Tell them you’ve moved to Yemen. Don’t move to Yemen.
13 Ways To Dust Your Relationship Off When It Needs A Little Extra Shine
Cool it with the insulting “jokes.”
18 Tragic Struggles Women Blessed With ‘Painless Periods’ Will Never Understand
Getting so irrationally emotional that losing your hairbrush might could legit make you weep.
25 Ways You Get To Stop Turning Up For Your Boyfriend When You’ve Been Dating For Long Enough
You can stop pretending that giving head is like, your FAVORITE thing to do in the whole wide world!