Take The Real True Ultimate 90s Retro Nostalgia Challenge!

It takes a special person to take the Real True Ultimate ‘90s Retro Nostalgia Challenge.
It takes a special person to take the Real True Ultimate ‘90s Retro Nostalgia Challenge.
Love sucks, but it sucks a lot less when you find the right person to be in love with. Actually, you might find that it doesn’t suck, not even a little bit, not even at all.
When you’ve gotten over the pain, staying in this third stage — the place where you don’t feel hungry, just empty and tired — becomes like a habit, the thing you use to feel death inside you. Some people smoke. You just don’t eat.
If you have a hard time naturally pacing your drinking, follow this rule: If you accidentally break a glass, take a nap and then start again.
Go to a free event. There is so much free stuff to do in the summer. Winter = we’re annoyed that it’s cold out so we’re going to charge for everything. Summer = OMG, we’re so laidback! Come hang at our cool event for free!
No matter what you think of Miley Cyrus personally, it’s about time we all started respecting the right of women to make mistakes and get messy — because that’s what sexuality is.
As I sat across from him with my chin in my palm, trying to think of topics of conversation that he might actually be able to partake in, I mentally shook my fist at all the smart men who aren’t interested in dating smart women.
Hot showers, especially when you’re achy or dirty, feel like getting kissed all over your body by a thousand tiny Ryan Goslings.
Well, the idea of keeping a commonplace book has clearly struck a nerve. Not only did the article make the front page of Reddit and blow up on Facebook and Twitter, but many people emailed in their own methods for keeping a commonplace book.
I will not be judged by you or society. I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want as long as I can breathe and kneel!
Emily: As a child, your mother had an unusually large head. Lorelai: The best thing about it was that she would tell me — constantly. My first complete sentence was, “Big Head want dolly.”
Some of us are brave enough to go visit and sometimes, we come back with more than just a series of pictures and chills down our backs.
You meet a 25-year-old today who has a fiancée, a three-bedroom apartment, a fulfilling job, and a good deal on a new car, the first question is “What is wrong with him?”
I still love you and can’t figure out why everything happened the way it did. I’m getting married to someone else in November.