Mélanie Berliet
I adore the following, in no particular order: knee-high tube socks, acrostic poetry, and my little brother. Click here to learn more!
10 Things Your Parents Do That Make You Disproportionately Crazy
They think your use of Internet abbreviations is cause for concern. As if your vast lexicon of useful abbreviations means your vocabulary is somehow less good than that of a person who can’t decode a simple lmao, wtf, or imo.
13 Former Self-Proclaimed Jerks On That One Special Girl Who Changed Them For Good
Real guys share how a girl inspired their personal transformations.
He’s Not Your Forever Person Unless You Experience These 17 Micro Turn-Ons
When a coworker or a friend asks how everything is and you can’t help thinking of him and his irresistible grin.
I Don’t Believe In God, But I Do Believe In My Dead Sister
I don’t need to understand how she exists, or why. My sister is with me at all times, but her presence is somehow more pronounced when I need her the most.
You’re Not Really A 20-Something Until You Make These 27 Micro Mistakes
Staying out way longer than you should because FOMO.
The Truth About Why Every Introvert Secretly Hates Their Phone
If you don’t respond in a timely fashion, people will actually start to think something’s wrong and reach out to you AGAIN, adding to the intimidating backlog of messages lingering in the never-ending digital hellhole that is your smartphone.
Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your Favorite Social Media Platform
Facebook: Above all, you crave a serious, meaningful connection and you aren’t afraid to make yourself vulnerable to get there, sharing all your deepest secrets earlier than most.
The Unedited Truth About What It’s Like To Be In A Relationship With Your Goddamn Soulmate
Forever means that you never get to stop growing, as an individual or as a couple. Because the second you turn your back on growth—on the sheer will and work it takes to evolve, as people and as partners—your relationship will begin to erode.
You’re Not Really A Couple Until You Say These 36 Ridiculous Things To Each Other
“I just want to sit here and watch you be you.”
23 Brutal Dating Truths You Have To Accept If You Want True Love (And Not A Fuckboy)
If he pushes you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with in bed, he’s an unevolved asshole who deserves a public beat down.
You’re Not Really A Couple Until You Survive These 27 Micro Nightmares
When your significant other fails to pick up on the fact that you’re desperate to leave a party already so they engage literally everyone on your way towards the door, extending your stay long past the point of tolerable.
I Never Want To Marry My Boyfriend And I’m Proud Of That (So Please Stop Asking Where My Ring Is At)
Truthfully, at the root of our cultural obsession with marriage, I smell fear and insecurity.
17 Millenials Explain How They Really Feel About The Messed-Up Digital Dating World
“It’s hard to keep your head up when you can assume everyone’s talking to a bunch of other people at all times too.”
10 Things You Learn When You Finally Find Your Forever Person
The greatest gift is getting to be yourself day in and day out. It is such a relief not to pretend—ever, not even for a second, because you are so certain that you are loved by another person for exactly who you are.
23 Micro ‘Firsts’ That Are So Much Better Than Anything Sexual
When you catch them staring at you with those crazy eyes that basically say, “I adore you and I’m yours for good.”
Date Someone Who Understands That Love Isn’t A Fantasy Land
You don’t need a fairytale ending, let alone a fairytale life. What you need is a partner who gets it—who understands that it’s going to be tough and who’s prepared to dive in anyway.
18 Insanely Creepy Two-Sentence Stories That Will Freak You The Hell Out
“She was perfect, or so I thought until I caught her one night…”
How To Win Your Heart, According To Your Zodiac Sign
If a Taurus is the object of your affection, prepare to get touch-feely because physicality is important to these sensual creatures.