Lorenzo Jensen III
29 People Reveal The Most Viciously Heartbreaking Thing Anyone Ever Said To Them
“Sometimes when we make out, I close my eyes and forget what you look like. Then I open them again and get sad.”
30 People Confess Their Family’s Darkest Secret
“Uncle Jimmy didn’t get shot accidentally. He deserved it.”
37 Guys Describe The One Thing That Will Make Them Instantly Lose Interest In A Girl
“If she smokes, it’s an instant turnoff for me.”
50 People Describe The Most ‘Redneck’ Thing They’ve Ever Done
“Ate spam and eggs out of a Frisbee because I ran out of paper plates.”
It Sucks To Be A Man: 66 Guys Explain Why
“We come last—after women and children.”
50 Signs You Might Be A Hipster…
“If your bike is older than you are, you might be a hipster.”
30 People Describe The Time They Found A Dead Body
“I start taking pictures from like 20 feet away. I walk up to it and it’s a dead person.”
50 Men Describe Their Penis Size Using Nonstandard Units Of Measurement
“Three Tater Tots long and the circumference of one.”
My Relative Is Evil: 13 People Share Their Horrifying Tales of Sociopathic Family Members
“There is something evil in her that can never be fixed.”
46 People Reveal The Odd Physical Imperfections They Find Incredibly Sexy
“Scars. Not self-harm scars, just ‘I was stabbed once’ scars.”
34 Girls Share The Dumbest Thing A Guy Ever Did On A First Date
“He told me I was gorgeous—and that I looked exactly like his sister.”
44 Signs That Someone Has NO Idea What They’re Doing In Bed
“When they squeeze your boobs hard like a pair of stress balls.”
Please Tell Me My House Isn’t Haunted: 29 People Share Their Absolutely Chilling True Stories
“When I got home the TV had a black screen with white text on the bottom that said ‘I’m not home.’”
43 Married People Confess Why They Stopped Having Sex With Their Spouse
“Easiest way to scale back your sex life? Get married.
Easiest way to reduce it to twice a year? Have kids.”
44 Infuriating Stories Of Rich Kids Acting Like Complete Spoiled Brats
“She threatened to sue her parents because they bought her a new car instead of giving her money.”
43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath
“I was raped multiple times as a child and I’ve never had a real friend in my life.”
27 Things Women Will Never Understand About Men (According To 27 Men)
“We are actually as emotional and sensitive as you, it’s just that societal norms dictate that we don’t express that lest we be emasculated.”
42 People Share The Crazy Reasons They Were Forced To Stop In The Middle Of Having Sex
“During sex, out of nowhere, Siri turns on and says ‘I’m listening.’ That threw me off for a bit.”