Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

Let 2018 Be Your Reset Button

In 2018, it’s time to let go of your past relationships and inner demons. It’s time to breathe in all of that hurt and anger, and gently let it out. Let 2018 be the year you stop being so bitter about he or she who broke your heart. Let it be the time your life where you say goodbye to the old, and let new people into your life.

Why I’m Petrified To Like You

I’m scared to feel things for you or for anyone. I’m scared to break open. I’m scared to give someone my heart and to have it crumpled up again. I’m scared to be broken. I’m scared to be in pain.

Someday, I Will Find Someone Better Than You

I’m happy we met. I’m happy you loved me. I’m happy I loved you. But make no mistake, one day I’ll be walking down the aisle on grass covered in flower petals. And I won’t be headed anywhere towards you. 

Make 2018 The Year You Learn To Love Yourself

Make 2018 the year you make you your first priority. Live this year for you. Make this the year you slowly fall in love with yourself. Make this the year you fall — and catch your own damn self. 

Let 2018 Be The Year You Become Your Own Hero

You don’t have time to pity yourself. You don’t have time to hate that boy who left you a long time ago. You don’t have time to regret the past or look down at your rearview mirror. You don’t have enough room in your heart to hold onto everything that broke you. So let it all go. Let 2017 go and all the years before.

In 2018, Learn How To Be Alone

Let 2018 be the year where you grow truly comfortable with yourself. Let 2018 be the year you can enter a room full of strangers and still feel whole. Let 2018 be the year where you no longer search for love, because you’ve grown to find it inside of yourself.

What Happens When The ‘Nice Guy’ Breaks Your Heart

And it’s worse because he was so nice. It’s worse because he still cared. It’s worse because he called me to break it off instead of texting me or ghosting me. It’s worse because he has a heart. It’s worse because he cried when he told me he was done.