Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

Crohn’s Disease Is Something You Have, Not Something You Are

These are the moments where it is so easy to become the disease. It takes up such a large space in your mind, because of the worrying and the planning and the anxiety. Often, by accident, this illness becomes the only thing from which you derive your sense of self.

9 Types of Dreams You Have And What They Actually Mean

Dreams where your teeth are falling out: Experts say this dream could have positive or negative meanings. It can result from the fact that you are growing as a person and/or demonstrate your desire to take better care of yourself, or it can come from anxiety about insecurities, growing older, or huge life changes. Either way, teeth dreams are said to happen often during a time of intense transition.