Kelly Douglas
Lives for red lipstick, high heels, 80’s pop, cats, and Oxford commas.
Sometimes I Am Tired Of Being So Strong
I’m tired of carrying myself with grace and poise even when I’m seconds away from breaking.
What It Means To Fall In Love With A Girl Who Doesn’t Fully Love Herself
She’ll express her deepest fears without reservation, worrying that she is unworthy of your love, fearing that you will walk away and leave her brokenhearted. But in return, she’ll create a foundation of honesty in your relationship, encouraging you to speak what’s on your heart, no matter how vulnerable your own fears may feel.
Dear God — Thank You For Testing Me
I lead with my heart and Your spirit, encouraging me to live my life by Your virtue, Your grace alone.
In 2020, I Hope You Chase Your Own Heart
In 2020, I hope you live for your own happiness.
2019, Thank You For The Heartbreak
2019, thank you for all I left behind. Thank you for the moments my heart broke as I walked away.
Some Heartbreaks Are Meant To Change You
Some heartbreaks are meant to stimulate your personal growth. They reveal that you are not infallible, that you are human, that you have the capacity to feel and heal.
I’m Not Pathetic And Lazy, I’m Clinically Depressed
I’m working through my brain’s lack of serotonin one day at a time.
God, Please Help Me Find The Way
As I wait for You to send me a sign of Your presence, navigate me through the darkness and bring me into the light, reminding me that in Your deep love for me, You will never leave my side.
Stay With Me — We Belong Together
I will never unlatch my fingers from yours, soothing your deepest worries, proving that nothing can pull us apart.
8 Body Positive Food Rules You Should Start Following Today
No matter what you eat, don’t sweat it off.
Maybe You’re Better Off Without Them
Without them, you will grow.
This Is Me Saying I’m Sorry
This is me standing in front of you, asking for your forgiveness.
Read This When Life Feels Too Painful To Carry On
You may not see your light today, but it swells within you, waiting to be discovered.
Date Someone Who Will Wait For You
Date someone who will wait for you, someone who is eager to love you at every stage.
It’s Okay To Leave Them
But it’s okay to walk away. It’s okay to leave them.
The Truth Is, You Are Enough
One day, you will fulfill every dream you’ve believed is far too unreachable.
Date Someone Who Texts You Good Morning
Date someone who is willing to put you first.
I Miss The Way We Used To Be
But I can no longer live under the weight of our deafening silence, wishing I could reach out, constantly pulling back.