Kelly Douglas

Lives for red lipstick, high heels, 80’s pop, cats, and Oxford commas.
Articles by
Kelly Douglas
What To Do When They Ghost You Unexpectedly
When they ghost you unexpectedly, remember that you are still worthy of love.
A Soulmate Will Not Fix Your Problems, But They Will Show You Why You Deserve To
Together, you’ll both walk into a new chapter of your life — a happier, lighter chapter.
One Day Someone Will Love You The Way You Deserve
They’ll stand by your side at every stage, assuaging your every fear of short-lived love because they want you to be their forever.
This Is What It Really Means To Be Ready For Marriage
When you’re ready for marriage, you stay faithful.
Date Someone Who Believes In Everything You Do
Date someone who supports you unconditionally.
8 Little Reminders For Anyone Who’s Struggling With Rejection
Rejection can seem scary, but it’s survivable.
Now We Are Over
I wanted you. No matter how many times you hurt me.
When Depression Makes You Feel Unlovable, This Is What You Deserve
You deserve someone who won’t run in the darkest moments, someone who will stay by your side and help you see the light again.
Let God Surprise You With His Perfect Timing
One day, you’ll see the beauty of His perfect timing, the reasons why you got your heart broken, the reasons why He saved such precious moments for later in your life.
I Miss You Most At Midnight
I miss you most at midnight, when I lie awake tossing and turning by the light of the moon, knowing that we should be together, wishing you were by my side.
It’s Time To Stop Chasing Them
It’s time to recognize that you deserve more than half-hearted love.
Maybe Your Journey Is About Following Your Own Heart
Maybe your journey is about listening to yourself.
If It’s Love, It’ll Absolutely Look Like This
If it’s love, it won’t hurt.
To The Healers Trying To Heal Themselves
You struggle with the thought that you heal others to avoid healing yourself.
To The Girl Approaching Her 25th Birthday
You feel like your life is escaping you, like your best years are falling far behind you.
I’m A ‘Pandemic Girlfriend’ And This Is What The Media Gets Wrong About Dating During COVID-19
Like my fellow unlucky-in-love 2020 daters, I didn’t ask to fall for someone as our world devolved into absolute chaos.
This Is Me Letting You Into My Heart
This is me trusting that you’ll never break my heart.
To My Best Friend — Thank You For Being My Soulmate
Thank you for always seeing my heart.