150+ Fun Animal Trivia Questions and Answers
The absolute best list of animal trivia questions and answers. Learn more about animals with this fun trivia game that friends and families love.
Playing a trivia game or organizing a trivia quiz with friends or family is a great way to get people together for a fun night. Not to mention, using animal trivia questions or animal quiz questions is an awesome way to incorporate people of all ages while testing their animal knowledge. Invite a fun animal lover or two to press them on their wildlife facts and see if they can beat the animal trivia quiz. Use the unique animal facts below to set up a great night with loved ones while discovering some amazing facts. You might even find a new spirit animal.
Ways to Use These Questions:
Set-Up a Game Night:
Whether you gather friends, family, co-workers, or others close to you, playing trivia is a great way to connect and have a friendly competition. This game can be done virtually or in-person and it’s easy to incorporate small prizes for those who win. Furthermore, you can split people into teams for larger groups or keep the competition individual for small groups.
Dinner Table Talk:
This list of animal trivia is perfect to stimulate debate over dinner. When sitting down with family or friends, throw out a few questions to challenge everyone’s animal knowledge.
Animal Trivia Questions and Answers
These animal trivia questions are perfect for adults or children. There are questions on any type of animal you can think of. Whether the animals roam on land, fly in the air, or swim in the sea, this list of trivia questions and answers have some questions to strengthen your mind. This first section has questions and answers that are tailored more towards an adult’s knowledge. However, if you continue to scroll down, there is a section fit for kids as well!
How much do you know about animals? This animal trivia for kids and adults will surely put that knowledge to the test!
Animal Trivia Questions for Adults
Trivia Question: In which century did the phrase “it’s raining cats and dogs” emerge?
Answer: The 17th Century in England.
Trivia Question: Which member of the Beatles had a cat named Elvis?
Answer: John Lennon
Trivia Question: In Rome, which animal is protected under the law?
Answer: Cat
Trivia Question: Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?
Answer: Hippopotamus
Trivia Question: What sort of habitat is known to be the home for arboreal animals?
Answer: In or Around Trees
Trivia Question: What common farm animal doesn’t have teeth on their upper jaw?
Answer: Goats and/or Sheep
Trivia Question: What object does a male penguin often gift to a female penguin to win her over?
Answer: A Rock
Trivia Question: Which fish is known to be the fastest in the ocean?
Answer: Sailfish
Trivia Question: Which type of animal is known to be the fastest bird in the world?
Answer: The Peregrine Falcon
Trivia Question: How long is an elephant pregnant with its calf before it gives birth?
Answer: 22 Months

Trivia Question: Which two mammals are the only ones known to lay eggs?
Answer: The anteater and the duck-billed platypus.
Trivia Question: Which bird is known to have the largest wingspan on the planet?
Answer: Albatross
Trivia Question: Which bird is unable to move their eyes?
Answer: Although they can rotate their head nearly 180 degrees, owls cannot move their eyes.
Trivia Question: Which bird is known to be the smallest in the world? Bonus Question: How small is this bird?
Answer: Bee Hummingbird, measuring at 2.25 inches
Trivia Question: What popular sea creature has the ability to clone itself?
Answer: Jellyfish; Jellyfish, when cut in half, have the ability to regenerate their cells and create other jellyfish.
Trivia Question: Which species of jellyfish are known to have the longest tentacles?
Answer: Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
Trivia Question: Why are flamingos pink?
Answer: Due to their main source of food being shrimp, their skin takes on a pinkish color.
Trivia Question: Which sea creature is known to be the only natural predator of the Great White Shark?
Answer: Orca, the Killer Whale
Trivia Question: Which bird is known to have eyes larger than its brain?
Answer: Ostrich
Trivia Question: Other than a platypus, what is the only other mammal known to lay eggs?
Answer: Echidna; Otherwise Known as a Spiny Anteater
Trivia Question: Approximately, how many dolphin species exist in the world?
Answer: At least 40.
Trivia Question: A dog sweats through which part of its body?
Answer: Paws
Trivia Question: What is a dog’s most developed sense?
Answer: Sense of Smell
Trivia Question: What is the name of the dog mascot on the front of the crackerjack box?
Answer: Dog Bingo
Trivia Question: What is the only continent in the world known to be snake-free?
Answer: Antarctica
Trivia Question: Which body part does a snake use to detect smells?
Answer: Tongue
Trivia Question: In what year did the bald eagle become the national emblem and mascot of the United States of America?
Answer: 1789
Trivia Question: Which animals are known as the ‘Big 5’ in Africa?
Answer: Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Elephant, and Buffalo
Trivia Question: The nose of a lion changes color throughout its life, indicating what?
Answer: This change in color indicates a lion’s age.
Trivia Question: What is the size of a newborn kangaroo?
Answer: one inch
Trivia Question: In Peru, it’s common to eat which popular household pet?
Answer: Guinea Pig
Trivia Question: In the entire animal kingdom, what is the only male animal known to give birth?
Answer: Seahorses
Trivia Question: Butterflies use which part of their body to taste?
Answer: Feet
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to breathe through their skin?
Answer: Frogs
Trivia Question: What color is the blood of an octopus?
Answer: Blue
Trivia Question: A Tasmanian devil is known to be which kind of animal?
Answer: Marsupial
Trivia Question: What are the oldest surviving mammals on Earth?
Answer: Monotremes
Trivia Question: What animal is known to have the shortest pregnancy on Earth?
Answer: Opossum
Trivia Question: How many bones are in the body of a shark?
Answer: Zero, they are made of cartilage.
Trivia Question: Which animal species are known to have the largest eyes in the world?
Answer: Colossal Squid
Trivia Question: What is the proper term for a rabbit’s tail?
Answer: Scut
Trivia Question: Which common farm animals were originally domesticated in Southern China?
Answer: Chickens
Trivia Question: Where is a shrimp’s heart located in its body?
Answer: Head
Trivia Question: How many noses is a slug known to have?
Answer: Four
Trivia Question: Which animal was elected as mayor of Lajitas, Texas in 1986?
Answer: A goat named Clay Henry.
Trivia Question: Which mammal is not able to jump?
Answer: Elephants
Trivia Question: What substance composes a rhino’s horns?
Answer: Keratin (hair)
Trivia Question: What is the color of a hippo’s sweat?
Answer: Pink
Trivia Question: What is Scotland’s national animal?
Answer: Unicorn
Trivia Question: Which fish is known to be the most common fish in the ocean?
Answer: Any Bristlemouth species fish.
Trivia Question: What animal is commonly known as the ‘flying fox’?Answer: Bat
Trivia Question: Which sea creature is recognized for having the largest brain?
Answer: Sperm Whale
Trivia Question: Which crustacean is able to growl when intimidating their enemies?
Answer: Ghost Crab
Trivia Question: In a pride, which animal does the majority of the hunting?
Answer: Female Lion; Lioness
Trivia Question: Which popular mammals are known to wash their hands and feet in urine?
Answer: Capuchin Monkeys
Trivia Question: Which whales are known to hunt with bubbles?
Answer: Humpback Whales
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to plant thousands of trees across the world?
Answer: Squirrels
Trivia Question: When dragonflies are mating, what shape do their tails make?
Answer: Heart
Trivia Question: What are the only primates known to be venomous?
Answer: Slow Lorises
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to survive being frozen?
Answer: Frogs
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to spend 90% of its day, sleeping?
Answer: Koala Bears
Trivia Question: Which animal call is known to have no echo?
Answer: A duck’s ‘quack’.
Trivia Question: What percent of the methane in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by cows?
Answer: 30%
Trivia Question: On average, how many eggs can a hen lay in a year?
Answer: 227
Trivia Question: Which sense can an octopus activate through its arms?
Answer: Taste
Trivia Question: What color is the tongue of a giraffe?
Answer: Black
Trivia Question: In order to survive winter, which animal is known to breathe through its butt?
Answer: Painted Turtles
Trivia Question: What animal is known as the only vertebrae that can regenerate their body parts?
Answer: Axolotls, a type of salamander.
Trivia Question: How many facial expressions is a horse able to make?
Answer: 17
Trivia Question: How many hearts does an octopus have?
Answer: Three
Trivia Question: Which animal’s stripes are known to be on their skin as well as their fur?
Answer: Tiger
Trivia Question: Which animal’s poop is known to take the shape of cubes?
Answer: Wombat
Trivia Question: Which animal squirts blood from their eyes as a defensive technique?
Answer: Horned Lizards
Trivia Question: Which animal’s teeth are known to grow forever?
Answer: Rabbit
Trivia Question: Approximately, how many bones comprise a turtle’s shell?
Answer: 50
Trivia Question: Approximately, how many species of ants exist worldwide?
Answer: 12,000
Trivia Question: Under their white fur, what color is a polar bear’s skin?
Answer: Black
Trivia Question: What can an owl’s eye color indicate?
Answer: The time they prefer to hunt at.
Trivia Question: When flamingoes are born, what color are they?
Answer: Grey
Trivia Question: Which animal’s eyes change color to assist them with their vision in certain seasons?
Answer: Reindeer; in winter their eyes turn blue while in summer their eyes turn gold/brown
Trivia Question: Which birds are known to be the only birds that can fly backward?
Answer: Hummingbirds
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to have 32 brains?
Answer: Leeches
Trivia Question: What determines the gender of a baby turtle?
Answer: The temperature of the sand their eggs are laid in.

Trivia Question: How long does it take a hen to produce an egg?
Answer: 24-26 Hours
Trivia Question: Which common farm animal has rectangular pupils?
Answer: Goat
Trivia Question: It is said that 3% of glaciers are comprised of which animal’s urine?
Answer: Penguins
Trivia Question: Which bird is known to have waterproof feathers?
Answer: Duck
Trivia Question: What do pigs do to stay cool and prevent sunburn due to their lack of sweat glands?
Answer: They roll in the mud.
Trivia Question: Which common farm animal is known to be colorblind?
Answer: Cow
Trivia Question: Which part of a chicken’s body determines the color of its eggs?
Answer: Their earlobes; red ear-lobed chickens lay brown eggs while white ear-lobed chickens lay white eggs.
Trivia Question: A cow’s stomach contains how many compartments?
Answer: Four
Trivia Question: A ‘flemish giant’ is another name for what animal?
Answer: Rabbit
Trivia Question: What causes a pig’s tail to curl?
Answer: Feeling Happy
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for the underside of a horse’s hoof?
Answer: A Frog
Trivia Question: Approximately, how many glasses of milk does a cow produce in its lifetime?
Answer: 200,000 glasses
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to take up to a month to digest food?
Answer: Sloth
Trivia Question: Why do otters hold hands when going to sleep?
Answer: To prevent them from drifting off and away from each other.
Trivia Question: Mohair is taken from which animal?
Answer: Angora Goat
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for the trunk of an elephant?
Answer: Proboscis
Trivia Question: Which mountain range is home to the snow leopard?
Answer: Himalayas
Trivia Question: The genus Equus includes which three mammals?
Answer: Horses, Donkeys, & Zebras
Trivia Question: A karakul is which kind of animal?
Answer: Sheep
Trivia Question: Which bear is known to have a bite strong enough to break a bowling ball?
Answer: Grizzly Bear

Animal Trivia Questions for Children
Trivia Question: What is the largest member of the cat family?
Answer: Tiger
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a group of kittens?
Answer: A Kindle
Trivia Question: What percent does a cat spend its life sleeping?
Answer: 70%
Trivia Question: What is currently the largest land mammal on the planet?
Answer: The African Elephant
Trivia Question: What is the only mammal that has the ability to fly?
Answer: Bat
Trivia Question: Which land mammal has a tongue that stretches as long as two feet?
Answer: Anteater
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a baby goat?
Answer: Kid
Trivia Question: Name the smallest fish in the ocean.
Answer: Dwarf Pygmy Goby
Trivia Question: What kind of fish is Nemo from the film Finding Nemo?
Answer: Clownfish
Trivia Question: What fish is known to be the largest in the world?
Answer: Whale Shark
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a female elephant?
Answer: Cow
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for the elephant that leads its herd?
Answer: Matriarch
Trivia Question: Which flightless bird is known to be the emblem of New Zealand?
Answer: Kiwi
Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah
Trivia Question: What animal is known to be the largest mammal in the world?
Answer: Blue Whale
Trivia Question: What animal is known to be the smallest mammal in the world?
Answer: Bumblebee Bat
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a herd of zebra?
Answer: Dazzle
Trivia Question: Which continent is home to the aardvark?
Answer: Africa
Trivia Question: In North America, which rodent is known to be the largest?
Answer: Beaver
Trivia Question: What animal is known to be the tallest mammal on Earth?
Answer: Giraffe
Trivia Question: Is a giraffe considered an omnivore, carnivore, or herbivore?
Answer: Herbivore
Trivia Question: What dogs are a part of the smallest dog breed in the world?
Answer: Chihuahua
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to be the slowest animal in the world?
Answer: Sloth
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a female deer?
Answer: Doe
Trivia Question: Lemurs are only native to which country?
Answer: Madagascar
Trivia Question: Which plant is known to be a panda’s main source of food?
Answer: Bamboo
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a group of giraffes?
Answer: Tower
Trivia Question: Which sea creatures are known to hold a natural pearl?
Answer: Oysters
Trivia Question: What breed of dog is Marley from the film Marley & Me?
Answer: Yellow Labrador Retriever
Trivia Question: Shrek is known to be friends with which common farm animal?
Answer: Donkey
Trivia Question: Zoophobia is known as the fear of what?
Answer: Animals
Trivia Question: How many legs are on the body of a lobster?
Answer: Ten
Trivia Question: What is the only food source for Koala Bears?
Answer: Eucalyptus
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a herd of twelve or more cows?
Answer: Flink
Trivia Question: A spider has how many eyes?
Answer: Eight
Trivia Question: Which bird is known to be the symbol of peace?
Answer: Dove
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a baby kangaroo?
Answer: Joey
Trivia Question: What animal is known to be ‘man’s best friend’?
Answer: Dog
Trivia Question: What is the name for an animal that sleeps during the day but remains awake at night?
Answer: Nocturnal
Trivia Question: Which lizard is known to be the largest in the world?
Answer: Komodo Dragon
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a group of geese?
Answer: Gaggle
Trivia Question: What animal does a tadpole grow into?
Answer: A frog or a salamander.
Trivia Question: The famous video game character, Sonic, is known to be what kind of animal?
Answer: Hedgehog
Trivia Question: A starfish is known to have how many arms?
Answer: Five
Trivia Question: A common legend states that which animal has nine lives?
Answer: Cat
Trivia Question: What is the proper name for a group of crows?
Answer: Murder
Trivia Question: The famous dog Lassie is known to be which dog breed?
Answer: Collie
Trivia Question: Which animal has a tail so strong they are able to stand on it?
Answer: Kangaroo
Trivia Question: Which primate is known to be the largest in the world?
Answer: Gorilla
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