Jessica Winters
10 Men And Women Describe The Biggest Sacrifice They’ve Ever Made For A Relationship
“I gave up a cat that I loved for a girl that I’m not even sure is allergic to cats.”
8 Women Reveal What They Learned Through Cybersnooping In A Relationship, And What They Did About It
“I admit it: I’ve stooped to snooping on boyfriends on many an occasion.”
9 Women On The Engagement Story They Tell Friends Versus What Actually Happened
“My friends and parents all think he took me to the street corner where we met and got down on one knee and begged me to marry him. In reality, I told him that I was pregnant and that the kid would have my last name.”
14 Women Describe Their Go-To Strategy For Getting Male Attention When They Crave It
“I just put on so much red lipstick, I pretty much need a paint gun to get it all on.”
12 ‘Kept Women’ Reveal What Their Life Is Like
“I’m too pretty to work.”
15 Spouses of Transgender People On How Their Relationship Changed After The Unexpected Transition
“I chose to stay to honor the family that we created together. I chose to stay because I can’t imagine my life without him.”
15 Sexually Disastrous Wedding Nights
“Wait—your name’s not Rick…”
14 ‘Relationship Virgins’ On What It’s Like To Be Perpetually Single
“Loneliness is eating me alive from the inside-out.”
12 Disturbing ‘Catfish’ Stories That Remind Us How Insane The World Of Online Dating Is
1. College football star mourns the death of a girlfriend who never existed.
11 People Discuss What It’s Like To Fall For Someone Who’s Already Taken
“I felt like a little kid standing outside a glass storeroom window staring at a Christmas present I wanted desperately but would never get or even touch.”
Put The Razor Down And Step Away: 10 Reasons It’s Healthier Not To Shave Your Pubic Hair
Women are right to reclaim and be proud of their natural bodily functions such as menstruation—so why are they still almost uniformly repelled by their own pubic hair?
14 Things People Do To Sabotage Their Relationships Without Knowing It
What are we fighting about again? Do we even know?
14 Sweet (And 1 Sour) Summer Memories Of You
The way we both love the smell of wet sidewalk cement after a summertime thunderstorm.