January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
Why Each Zodiac Is Secretly Terrified They’ll Get Cheated On
ARIES: You’ve been hurt in the past and don’t want to have to heal yourself again.
30 Breakup Stories That Prove How Much Modern Dating Sucks
I gave him a blowjob with zero reciprocation. As I was finishing swallowing, he decides to tell me that he is breaking up with me. I’ll never forget how used and worthless that made me feel.
Here’s Your Sign Not To Text Him, Based On Your Zodiac
That boy is no good for you.
The Dating Mistake Each Zodiac Keeps Making Over And Over Again
You need to stop the cycle.
45 Hilarious Responses When Your Friend Has An Ugly Baby
Thank you for your support for the plastic surgery industry.
How August Is Going To Test Each Zodiac Sign
Not all of August is going to be easy…
30 Shockingly Scary Stories About Drivers On The Road At Night
“Those are cornfield demons. Stay in the car and you’ll be okay.”
30 Tips For Falling Asleep When You’re Worried About Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow
It’s kinda weird but stick a block of ice in your mouth and just lie in bed. As it melts it’s kinda like your consciousness melts with it.
33 Signs The Dude You Matched With On Tinder Peaked In High School
“You should’ve seen me play ball back in the day. I probably could’ve gone to play college.”
What Makes Each Zodiac Sign Paranoid When It Comes To Relationships
TAURUS: You get paranoid whenever someone takes too long to text back.
My Best Friend Visited From Florida — And Brought A Spirit With Her
My best friend believes in spiritual mumbo jumbo like tarot cards and psychic readings and cleansing the house with sage.
70 Phenomenal TV Pilots That Will Get You Obsessed With Watching A New Series
The Good Place! I was so hooked and binged the first season in like two days when I started watching it.
30 Skeptics Reveal What Spooky Experience Made Them Believe In Ghosts
I saw a reflection of myself at the end of a hallway in a friend’s apartment building, only he told me the day after there was never any mirror in the hallways.
30 Folklore Creatures That Could Actually Exist
The Buggane. It’s an energy stealer by giving you nightmares. Lots of people have nightmares and wake up tired. Means a Buggane could’ve slipped into your mind and bedroom.
What Area Each Zodiac Is Going To Flourish In During August
What does next month have in store for you?
What Each Zodiac Is Going To Learn This August
LIBRA: You’re going to learn your history with someone isn’t as important as your present state with them.
The Worst Part About Moving In With Each Zodiac Sign
If you’re moving in with your boyfriend or girlfriend (or best friend) soon, you better read this.
One Word To Describe How Each Zodiac Acts When They’re Single
Do you love the single life or does it make you miserable?