January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Looks Like An Asshole (Even Though They’re A Sweetheart)
ARIES: They aren’t good at expressing their emotions. They show affection for people they care about by teasing them.
What Each Zodiac Should Never Lose, Even When Life Gets Hard
CAPRICORN: You don’t want to lose your desire to learn, to grow, to better yourself.
30 Crime Investigators On The Unsolved Case That Still Haunts Them
In my town we found a dead body in the middle of a street, a good neighborhood. Creepy part? He was beheaded, and the head was inside his stomach.
What Each Zodiac Sign Dreads About First Dates
ARIES: The awkward silences.
What You Need A Break From Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Give yourself a rest…
I Hooked Up With An ‘Experimental’ Artist — Who Turned Out To Be A Total Psychopath
He showed me a video of a woman who swallowed different colored paints and forced herself to vomit over the canvas. He showed me another where a man dipped his limbs in paint and then rolled his naked body across paper spread across the floor.
How Each Zodiac Sign Procrastinates
VIRGO: You clean, tidy, and organize. Even when you’re procrastinating, you’re still productive
40 Weird Date Stories That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Own Love Life
Hooked up with a girl (she was 28) with dentures and she gave me a gum job.
Read This If You Feel Like Nothing You Have Or Do Ever Feels Quite Good Enough
If you feel as though nothing you have or do is ever quite enough, it’s not because everyone is superseding you in life.
30 Hilarious Responses To Use When Someone Asks, ‘What’s Up?’
My anxiety levels.
How September Is Testing Each Zodiac Sign
TAURUS: September is testing your ability to remain calm under pressure.
What Each Zodiac Should Do Before Summer Officially Ends
TAURUS: Watch the sunset with someone you love.
30 Signs You’re Trying Way Too Hard
Non-stop texting when they haven’t answered your latest text.
33 Introverts On What Type Of Social Interaction Drains Them The Most
One sided conversations. The first moment they talk over me or interrupt and don’t “sorry I interrupted what were you saying” me, my battery drains instantly.
30 Stories About People Who Genuinely Believe They’re Vampires, Werewolves, Or Aliens
I had a friend who believed that she was a vampire and would try to bite at my wrists and neck very often. It got to the point we’re she would bring pig’s blood to school and openly drink it out of a cup as if it were juice.
What Each Zodiac Sign Hides From The Rest Of The World
CANCER: You hide your dark side.
The Change Each Zodiac Sign Is Going To Experience In Libra Season
Pisces: Libra season is going to bring out your inquisitive nature. You’re going to be asking a lot of questions and exploring a lot of new ideas.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Is Having Trouble Breaking Their Bad Habit
LEO: You keep procrastinating and telling yourself you’ll start tomorrow.