Jamie Varon
24 Things We Unexpectedly Become Obsessed With In Our Late 20s
When the historians look back on our generation they will be like, “They had a lot of brunch.”
9 Subconscious Things You Do When You Aren’t Being True To Yourself
And how to keep them from happening…
18 Little Things I Learned After Living In Paris For A Year
I learned butter solves all ailments, the end.
The 15 Most Life-Changing Experiences You Haven’t Had Yet
There are so many things in this world that, despite their awesomeness, we’ve probably never even heard of.
30 Things You Should Know About Yourself By The Time You’re 30
A really reckless thing that you do once in a while to remind yourself that you’re alive.
15 Ways You Know You’re Dealing With A Grown Woman
This whole grown up life is HANDLED.
What’s The Point Of Anything?
But, what’s the point of it all? When we become happy, we self-destruct, we light our lives on fire, we limit the amount of happy we can have in our lives regardless of how hard we’ve worked at it.
The 11 Best Relationship Moments That Happen When You’re With The Right Person
That moment when one of you blurts out “I love you” as if it’s a time bomb that had to go off at that exact moment.
20 Daily Battles Only People Who Work From Home Have To Deal With
Any clothing that is not stretchy is not welcomed on your person.
29 Differences Between Life In Your Early 20s Vs. Life In Your Late 20s
Your actual idea of torture would be if someone forced you to go to sleep before you were able to clean your kitchen.
20 Struggles Only Geminis Understand (Especially #10, UGH)
You are the most talkative person you’ve ever met.
20 Of The Best Things That Happen When You’re First Falling In Love With Someone
The way their fingertips seem to hold the nerve endings to your skin.
Surviving Your Life Vs. Living The Hell Out Of Your Life: Which Do You Choose?
I don’t know about you, but I sure as hell know that I don’t want to live my life collecting grocery bills, errands, chores, and a bucket list of shit I never did.
6 Things That Happen When You Like To Look Good (But Suck At Doing Girly Things)
Beauty is pain, but also beauty is hard!
9 Things You Do To Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend That Would Be Super Creepy If You Did To Anyone Else
It’s all very romantic when it’s with the person you’re in love with, but when it’s not with them? CALL THE COPS.
23 Pictures Of Women That’ll Inspire You To Feel Great In Your Skin
Who says you gotta look a certain way to be fierce as fuck? None of this “real women have curves” business. Let’s be inclusive, not exclusive.
10 Unconventional Ways To Make Yourself More Attractive
When you have compassion and love towards yourself, you can’t help but be attractive to people around you. If you are a light and you walk directly into a dark room, what happens? The room fills with light.
6 Times You’ll Want To End Your Relationship (But Really Shouldn’t)
Take it from me, you can’t put a price on how much you want to avoid a situation where you’re storming out of your apartment frantically swinging around that weird IKEA tool while irrationally setting fire to your entire relationship.