Crissy Milazzo
Crissy is a writer living and lol’ing in Los Angeles. She’s on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for better or worse.
27 Secretly Amazing Public Places To Cry Your Eyes Out
Working out releases endorphins. So does crying, probably.
17 Classic Rory Gilmore Moments That Make Her Every Girl’s Spirit Animal
“Who cares if I’m pretty if I fail my finals?!”
17 Embarrassing Things Overthinkers Say When They Really Want To Say ‘I Love You’
LOL. Us?! Together?! That would be hilaaaaarious! Wow. Is it maybe funny because it’s so true? JK JK JK.
19 People Reveal The Terrifying Moment They Realized Their Ex Was Totally Crazy
We were having sex and she looked me right in the eyes and said “I want to have your babies.”
22 Extremely Satisfying Things That Can Only Happen After Age 22
Sleep hygiene becomes an actual thing instead of a weird myth you read about once.
21 Unusual Struggles Only True Free Spirits Will Understand
Always being the one to initiate plans but never really caring what the destination is, so everyone ends up yelling at you to “just pick!”
7 Weird Secrets Girls Can Only Tell Their Best Friends
We’ve all done things that fall under the “what happens in that place stays in that place” umbrella. However, that umbrella does not cover the small part that falls outside of it, which is to tell your best friends about it.
5 Completely Irrational Things Every Girl Does When Her Period Is Late
Damn, this whole pregnancy thing is going to hurt like a bitch. You push gently against your abdomen. Is that an organ you feel, or a fetus? You know that there is no scientific way you’d be able to feel the pregnancy at this point, but you decide that you can anyway.
5 Texts From Your Ex And What They Really Mean
Hey! I ran into your disloyal ass friend who told me everything about what you’re doing. It really doesn’t matter if I brought up your new job, cat, step parent, or car accident. What matters here is that I know about the new things in your life.
5 Things Girls Do Before They Have Sex With You
We tell our friends we’re going to have sex with you. Sorry. Maybe this doesn’t apply to all of you moral angels out there in this online world, but if I’m planning on having sex with a guy, I’m also telling two different group texts of my closest friends that I’m going to do so.
The 6 Terrible Roommates You’ll Have In Your 20s
Is this real? Did they really take the six steps necessary to leave that note instead of the one step it would have taken to wipe off the spot? Yes, they did. They always will.