Crissy Milazzo

Crissy is a writer living and lol’ing in Los Angeles. She’s on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for better or worse.

7 Weird Secrets Girls Can Only Tell Their Best Friends

We’ve all done things that fall under the “what happens in that place stays in that place” umbrella. However, that umbrella does not cover the small part that falls outside of it, which is to tell your best friends about it.

5 Texts From Your Ex And What They Really Mean

Hey! I ran into your disloyal ass friend who told me everything about what you’re doing. It really doesn’t matter if I brought up your new job, cat, step parent, or car accident. What matters here is that I know about the new things in your life.

5 Things Girls Do Before They Have Sex With You

We tell our friends we’re going to have sex with you. Sorry. Maybe this doesn’t apply to all of you moral angels out there in this online world, but if I’m planning on having sex with a guy, I’m also telling two different group texts of my closest friends that I’m going to do so.