17 Classic Rory Gilmore Moments That Make Her Every Girl’s Spirit Animal

October 1st, 2014, was a historic day: it was the day that all seven seasons of ‘Gilmore Girls’ were made available for streaming on Netflix. It was the day I remembered just how much the beloved Rory Gilmore informed my own fast-talking, book-reading, bad-relationship-having adolescence. Here are a few of her most relatable moments, many of which feature cardigans.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

1. When she said what we all want to say when we’re really in love.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

2. When she spoke to the greatest struggle of everyone in the tri-state area.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

3. When she crystallized that ‘my grades are everything, don’t you people get it?!’ feeling.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

4. When she taught us it was okay to call your mommy from school on your cell phone.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

5. When she was all of us in every awful conversation ever.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

6. When she made you feel “#SAME” before you knew what a hashtag was.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

7. When she inspired you to sleep in.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

8. When she showed you how to get a bad boyfriend to tell you the truth.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

9. When she described the struggle that is getting dressed, dare I say, even better than Cher?

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

10. When she asked the question we all wanted to ask the guy who didn’t get along with our friends.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

11. When she spoke out against PDA.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

12. When she grew up and was just like, “fuck it, let’s drink wine.”

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

13. When she made it look kind of cute for us to embarrass our mothers.


14. When she showed us how to solve all our academic dilemmas.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

15. When she made reading Sylvia Plath while wearing a headband seem low-key and chill.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

16. When she showed us that PDA was actually cool, as long as you were making out with a total babe in front of your entire school.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

17. And finally, when she made it clear that it was okay to cry, especially over the things that really matter.

Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series
Gilmore Girls, The Complete Series

About the author

Crissy Milazzo

Crissy is a writer living and lol’ing in Los Angeles. She’s on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for better or worse.

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