How To Get Over Someone Who Was Never Yours To Begin With

It is okay to want to make a home out of a person. This was not your mistake. The mistake is forgetting that you are a home too and you should return to yourself every night and feel just as safe.
10 Legitimate Reasons To Leave Someone You Still Love
75+ Hyperbole Examples That Will Literally Kill You Because They’re That Awesome
This Is Exactly What Happens To You When You’re Heartbroken, Based On Your Venus Sign

Not sure about your Venus sign? Find it here. Fixed Venus: Dissecting Heartbreak Taurus Venus Their heart is shattered when they are disillusioned by love.
The Most Stressful Thing You’ll Deal With This June 29 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
11 Little Ways To Be Sure Someone Isn’t Giving You Their All

They will say whatever they think you want to hear in that moment. Basically, whatever shuts you up.
Okay So Why Am I Always Thinking About Dying?

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I might be obsessed with dying. Not that I want to die, but that I prepare for it at every turn. I think about how depressing it would be for my parents and friends if something were to happen. I’ve rehearsed what my last words would be if I had the chance to choose them.
5 Ways We Perform Our Gender Every Day (Without Even Noticing)

Reflecting on how we perform our gender can help us better understand what we do and why we do it.
The Tiny Worry You Just Can’t Shake Today, According To Your Zodiac Sign
The Word That Best Describes Your Relationship Status On June 28 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
10 Things To Remember When It Feels Like You’re Behind Everyone Else
Your Instincts Are Right, He’s Cheating On You, And Here Are 7 Ways To Be Sure

Don’t just watch those flags wave in the wind. Acknowledge them and, if necessary, pull them out.
10 Ways To Maintain Happiness Even When You Struggle With Depression
A Sneak Peek At What July Has In Store For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You may have left any thought of a relationship on the back burner over the last few months, Cancer. But this month, it’s time for you to change that.
Exactly How You Should Treat Yo Self Today, According To Your Zodiac Sign
What You Are Going To Slowly Learn Throughout July (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)

LIBRA: You are slowly going to learn the importance of self-care. You are going to start treating yourself with more love and everything is going to change. Your confidence is going to rise. Your insecurities are going to become background noise.
What Each Zodiac Sign Should Resist Doing (Even Though It’s Difficult) On June 27

VIRGO: Faking smiles and telling everyone who loves you that you are perfectly fine.